Saturday, June 1, 2024

When Statesmanship Died in Aotearoa


I don't know if you have looked at what has been happening in New Caledonia over the past couple of weeks. The indigenous started to revolt against the French government because they do not have the same rights as French nationals living in their land. So they starting burning cars and taking the law into their own hands. Then big planes arrived from France with soldiers and weapons on board.


Here in New Zealand Maori had a hui last week to decide how to progress their aspirations for a separate government for Maori. David Seymour who was with, Prime Minister, Christopher Luxon in Parliament, when questioned by the news media about the Maori hui merely laughed and joked that as long as they didn't tax him he couldn't care less.


He doesn't seem to mind that his lack of statesmanship could result in similar political unrest to that in New Caledonia. If he doesn't listen to voice of the Maori people and seek to negotiate with them. Is this more evidence of the current culture of Ideology over common sense. I believe X so I don't care what you say because you believe Y. If so, are we destined to plough into civil war for the lack of the maturity to enter into a dialogue?


You may have noticed the previous government made a huge financial contribution to the gangs of New Zealand Aotearoa. If you have seen the gangs in the media lately you may have noticed that they are looking very buff. They seem well exercised, well disciplined, able to march in columns. In fact, they look absolutely military and positively warrior like.


Are we on the verge of an uprising or is there something slightly more medium term in the wind. The recent political polls showed that the current government had already done enough to scare away the left leaning swing voters that supported them through the election. May be, the gangs are waiting a change of government and the support of a coalition of the far left to bring our democracy to an end. To replace it with a one party system with which the left can better control the population and address the climate change issues and other global Mother Earth concerns. While allowing a modicum of self determination to Maori.


I guess how this right wing government respond to the resolutions of the Maori Hui to bring in Maori self rule will give the public an idea of what is actually going on in the halls of power. I got the distinct impression from the last Labour government that just as the President of the United States isn't the true center of power in the USA. So, the ruling coalition in New Zealand doesn't seem to be the true locus of power either. It's just entertainment for the viewing public while the global elite control the day to day running of the country through the Civil Service.


It will be interesting to see what happens as the next few years play out. I suspect their will be bigger fish to fry. Will World War 3 and a general move in the West to a war status impact on the political status in New Zealand Aotearoa. Will the agenda's of the United Nations and the World Economic Forum unfold like an anti-Christian cloud of darkness as their occultist insanity attempts to reduce the World's population and save Mother Earth. Only to be stopped in its tracks by the Time of Jacob's Trouble and the rise of the Antichrist. Well not stopped so much as the same agenda for a different cause.


However, it is time to state things as they are. Yahweh, the Hebrew, Christian God is in control as we move into the last days and the beginning of the Time of  Sorrows. As to what happens in New Zealand Aotearoa and the World as a whole. A time of judgement is coming and the most important message to those who do not know Jesus Christ is this. A time is coming where you will not be able to buy or sell outside of the Antichrist System with out a mark on the back of your right hand and on your forehead. A time to choose Jesus Christ and eternal life or short term gain and eternal damnation. Maranatha - Come Lord Jesus.

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