Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Is this the Last Conservative Government in New Zealand…


Looking at the political landscape in New Zealand. We seem to be in a real state of agitation where there are entire secular groups feeling undervalued, unlistened too and disenfranchised. The question arising from this is "Can this conservative government pull these groups back together and save our democracy?"


The Three Wisemen in this situation. Christopher Luxon, David Seymour and Winston Peters have only managed to drive the left of politics into an activist frenzy during the first two hundred days of their coalition government. Luxon seems well meaning but lacks the cohesive leadership to rally the public behind the team. Seymour it appears is disinterested in talking to people who do not share his political and world view. Winston seems so confident in his elder statesmanship abilities that he feels sure he can fix this. I am not convinced he knows what this is?


Māori are feeling excluded as a result of the pull back from the co-governance strategy which the previous government completely supported. The coalition have misunderstood how important this is to keeping Māori at peace and as a partner within the democracy. They needed to talk with Māori during this term and slowly negotiate change to the co-governance structure to create a system that would see the country stabilised. An outcome where neither party felt threatened by the implications for the future of an element of Māori autonomy.


The Green Party are, I believe, a subversive far left Communist organisation. They claim to be motivated by Climate Change but their polices seem to be more aligned with unrolling Communism in New Zealand. They attack politicians that they see as a threat to their agenda. Even using violence to intimidate in the Halls of Parliament. They are big important party members and you better get out of their way and let them do what they have to do because they know best.


They attack the pillars of the economy and rejoice in unemployment and a dysfunctional civil service where the public are dissatisfied with the lack of medical care and ruined roading networks. They have actively supported the idea of an emancipated Māori where the rest of New Zealand would in many ways be subservient to Māori in an apartheid style system. They lauded the previous governments funding of gangs and essentially the arming and training of the gangs. At the same time the nation's military has been reduced in capability. Doubtless with some future coup in mind to drag Aotearoa into a Communist state.

I do not believe that the coalition realise how dangerous this organisation is or if they do? How to deal with them. They need to work out a way to take the impetus out of the this growing left wing juggernaut. Many who have joined the Greens have done so because they see them as the only way to secure the future. Unfortunately, I fear they will discover they have been deceived and caught up in a revolution. As to the Coalition, they had better work how to redirect this group of malcontents before they no longer have the ability to do anything to them. Which leads us to the next question. "What can we the public of New Zealand do to rectify this situation?"


Well, you do not have to believe me but I would advise you to look and see if what I have written here makes sense. If it does then I would suggest you tell others about what you have found out. The next election result will quite possibly determine whether the country remains a democracy. Those who think they have the liberty to support whomever they will in the next election may find that they were wrong.


Personally, because I am a Christian I will continue to watch and pray. The only way out of this situation that I can see is if the people of this land repent. If we turn back to God and believe on His Son, Jesus Christ. God will hear our voice and heal the land. It is the only way to effect a lasting solution.  My Thoughts.

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