Friday, February 16, 2024

Neopaganism - The Valley of Megiddo

It is interesting that the hook the devil is using to draw so many people of faith who should know better into the new paganism is support for indigenous races garnered by the United Nations. You would think Christians would know better and yet they seem drawn like moths to a lamp.

Sadly, I think that many people fail to perceive the threat of a trap that may well see them standing on the Valley of Megiddo with the followers of the Beast as they face certain doom at the soon return of Jesus Christ.

In New Zealand we drifted through the 1990’s into the early part of the twenty first century somewhat unaware that Māori were on a crossroads that led to either of two decisions. As incredibly open and spiritual people they could take up the cross and receive the sovereignty of their nation back as a gift of Yahweh or they could meander back into the old paganism and worship of their old Gods and join a global renaissance of all things pagan.

It seems that now the decision is made, and many Pakehas are joining the new Māori switch back and becoming connoisseurs of all things Māori culture. Applauding kapahaka and waiata and every nuance of Māori culture at every opportunity.

The problem with this is you can’t serve two masters. Māori culture as we know it is pagan in essence and quite like most other naturalistic religions which focus on a spiritual force through all things in nature and the worship of various naturalistic deities. Yahweh is the creator God and the issue that all humans face is that the creator has a problem with sin which is disobedience of the Law of God (Ten Commandments). The only solution to the sin problem is through the redemptive work of Jesus Christ on the Cross at Calvary.

John 3:16-17 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.” NKJV

Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Acts 2:38-39 “Then Peter said to them, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call.”

This is what it will ultimately come down to for every man, woman and child to have ever lived on the Earth. If you reject God’s Grace and follow the ways of the Prince of this World (Satan). Then God’s judgement will fall upon you, and you will reap eternal separation from Yahweh and the saviour Jesus Christ. If you follow the new paganism, then you will end up becoming embedded in the New World Order and become followers of the Beast in his 666 System. You will stand beside him in opposition to Christ Jesus as He returns to the Earth to establish the Kingdom of Heaven.  

If you consider the modern approach to this issue I mentioned above. The Globalists prefer to call native races the indigenous or first nation people. They are also hailed as the victims of colonisation. In recent times they have given generous amounts of money to governments to settle land claims and to recognise injustices perpetrated against them. Mostly though they seem interested in supporting the pagan religious aspects of these cultures to the detriment of other secular groups, and particularly Christians.

Yet many American Indian, Australian Aborigine and New Zealand Māori citizens manage just fine in modern societies which have already enacted considerable work to remedy inequities in society relating to injustices perpetrated, land restorations and educational anomalies. The result being that many of these folk are now doing better than the average person from the colonizing races and those who follow Christ Jesus are doing very well due to receiving God’s Blessings in their lives. Evidence of this may be seen daily on the SDA Television Channels where it is apparent that these folk have much to contribute to society and require no assistance from the government at all to succeed in every regard.

They might be poor, but the reality is that they have God’s wealth. They may not have lovely modern houses, but they have a home, a family and a faith in God that sustains them and through Christ Jesus will ensure the forgiveness of their sins and the gift of eternal life. Often these humble Christian folk have escaped from drugs and the traps of wanton sin that can take a person to prison or into slavery. Delivered in Christ Jesus to a life that counts and brings family out of spiritual destitution domination by the principalities that rule this world.

Meanwhile many in the United States, Australia and New Zealand have either forsaken Christianity or have no knowledge of the gospel of Jesus Christ. They may seem to be doing well but it is doubtful that they have a hope of salvation or can claim to know anything of the sin that separates them from God. They know nothing of the life filled with hope and God’s blessings that their grand parents lived only fifty years ago. Such is the rampant spiritual destruction dished out by atheism and Hellenistic secular paganism. Those grandparents wouldn’t recognize this world if they saw it today.

The key truth here is that the truth found in the spiritual beliefs of the indigenous nations or in the interfaith religions like Buddhism is all about experiencing the God within. Whether through pagan religion, clairvoyance, occultism, new age spirituality, transcendental meditation, astral projection druidry, witchcraft or the martial arts. The result is always the same. Satan is the father of lies and will seek to possess you and destroy you. You need the Prince of Peace – Jesus Christ and salvation through His name. The only name under heaven by which you must be saved. Stay away from paganism!

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