Sunday, January 28, 2024

This Time…


I have just written three articles. One on the foibles of Seventh Day Adventism[1]. One on the mires of the Charismatic Movement[2]. One on the doctrinal difficulties of the Calvinist Movement[3]. These articles can be found on my blog on Walking by the River at

I have to say that these articles only touch on what I see as the major issues with each sect and are by no means exhaustive even by my standards. If you belong to one of these groups and are easily offended, then I would advise you don’t read my article. I am just attempting to inform those who are interested and attempting to point out the different stances held by each sect?

I believe that there are many true believers in the Adventist Faith and that there are many true believers in the Charismatic Church and that there are many true believers in the Calvinist Churches. However, I also believe that there are also some extensive housekeeping tasks relating to doctrines that need to be undertaken within these branches of Christianity. Keeping in mind that this is unlikely to happen at present.

I also believe that when considering global current events, we are currently moving through Matthew chapter twenty-four and entering the time of birth pangs that our Lord Christ Jesus described. As we move into the time of judgement ahead the Holy Spirit will lead us all to absolute biblical truth at the right time. So those sects that hold controversial doctrines now will drop them when the absolute truth becomes apparent though some may perish because of them.

Those who believe that Christ Jesus is a son of God and not the Son of God equal with the Father will understand exactly who He is. Those who have issues relating to incorrect doctrines of Holy Spirit will repent or perish with the lost. Those who are not sure how the Holy Spirit convicts the unbeliever of their sin will understand.

In the judgement those who belong to the enemy will be completely deceived and be confident that they are correct even in their deception. That they are right in their own eyes. But those who belong to Christ Jesus, even if they are deceived now, their eyes will be opened. They will know the truth and repent of their sins. In that time the sides will be clear for all to see and those who belong to Satan will not tolerate those who belong to Christ Jesus. To pick up your Cross and follow the Jesus in the Tribulation will mean death but take solace, the Kingdom of Heaven will be at hand and Satan and his followers will meet their end quickly.

You have only to listen to Klaus Schwalbe and his vitriol on the damage we are doing to the planet and all that Gaia worshiping nonsense to know that we live in perilous times. I recently read an article posted in News Week by Yosef I. Abramowitz[4]. This was about a group of Interfaith people climbing Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia, during COP 27, to worship Ra the Egyptian Sun God and to put forward an amended version of the Ten Commandments. I suspect they won’t enjoy the plagues that the followers of the beast will endure for the folly of their ways.

Sadly, I believe that billions will die at the hands of these madmen and their climate insanity much as millions died in the second world war at the hands of Hitler and the Nazi’s. In this case the

 gospel will be shared to all the World, and it will be a case of choose Jesus Christ and die immediately to this life to gain eternal life in the Kingdom of God or follow the Beast and face the plagues and eventual death of those who follow him, remaining separated from Yahweh for eternity and undergoing the Second Death.

So finally, I have written this batch of articles to reach out to other Christians wherever they may be in the sure knowledge that many belong to the Adventist, Charismatic or Calvinist movements or are being influenced by people who are adherents of those belief systems. I want you to be aware of the doctrines these groups hold and to make sure you don’t get pulled into the wrong place spiritually in these perilous times. It is fine to belong to a group of believers that are as enthusiastic as you are, but you need to be aware of the implications of what they believe.

A last thought. The Catholic Church, Calvinism and Adventism all teach a range of doctrines that add up to Limited Atonement and an attack on the Deity of Jesus Christ. With the Catholics the promise is that the Church will get you to heaven eventually with some help from your works and a spell in purgatory. With Calvinism God elects some to salvation and some to damnation. Again, it seems that Christ didn’t complete the work on the Cross and His atonement is limited to those who are chosen. The Adventists have their belief that Christ Jesus is Michael the ArcAngel and is a Son of God so the redemptive work at the Cross was demeaned. Under the Investigative Judgement Jesus is in the sanctuary checking to see who has the works to get them into heaven. Limited Atonement again I’m afraid. The thought? One way or another Satan attacks the deity of Jesus Christ by saying that Jesus didn’t manage to pay for the sins of all men through His sacrifice on the Cross. What you believe is up to you…




[4] For Our Sin of Emissions: 10+1 Climate Commandments | Opinion

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