Thursday, November 2, 2023

The Election Consequences

I do tend to be quite cup half empty in my approach to matters of politics and bible prophecy. I have found it amazing how after the election here in New Zealand that many of the folks who voted for the new opposition party are not moving on.

In fact, they are holding a grudge against those who voted for the new government. I remember as a youngster that a similar situation was in evidence. The right wing of politics was the dominant discourse. The left tended to be the minority and most of the right-wing folks couldn’t relate to the thinking of the left wing and vice versa. When the 1969 Labour government came into power a lot of the folks on the right wing were distraught and were fearful for the immediate future.

I am seeing this now with those on the left wing of politics. It amazes me that we are seeing a time where there is such a divide between the left and right wings that there is very little in the center. The reason that this is a concern is that when the majority are in the center then the most at risk are relatively safe. A moderate majority tends to be reasonable and tolerant toward the poor and the secular minorities. When you get far left or far right majorities then you see groups begin to pursue their own agendas often at the expense of the minorities of the opposing wing.

The last time the dominoes began to fall toward the political extremities, like this, was in the decade before the Second World War. I don’t like to bring up cell phones and Covid again, but they do seem to be responsible for a considerable move in the political mood and general up-swell in the feeling of impatience and intolerance toward Christianity and conservative right-wing governments around the world now. Like a plan to promote unrest between the two wings which could result in the lead into the Third World War.

Particularly if you factor in the Ukraine War and the emerging war between Israel, Hamas, and the Arab Nations. A flash point could be approaching that may lead the world into a turbulent, high technology, nuclear exchange that will result in the death of billions. The kind of apocalyptic scenario described in the Bible and called the End Times or The Day of Jacob’s Trouble.

The devil and those who serve him have learned how to manipulate people over the last millennia. They have it down to fine art and digital devices combined with the news media, and social media, have refined that process even further. So that everyone is now able to be reached and controlled in a way that was not possible in the past and now even newer technology will make this even more efficient.

Biotech will enable nano chips to be inserted into the human brain and to connect to the cell tissues. This will make it possible for all of humanity to be online together with the danger that manipulation and control will take us to the brink of losing our individuality. In effect the creation of a hive mind like the Borg in the Star Trek series. Communism on steroids and the complete suppression of individuality in favour of the rational majority. Oh my, how I wonder if that has ever existed?

This could explain why many Christians speak of the Mark of the Beast being irreversible. Once you join with the Beast’s 666 system you are forever lost to God (Revelation 13). You couldn’t go back if you wanted to because you will not be able to want to. You would, having become connected to the beast network be totally possessed by that network. Of course, it is not inconceivable that the evil one could create a spiritual network that causes all men possessed of a demon to be linked together in a counterfeit to network that Christians become a part of when we are joined to God through the Holy Spirit. Certainly, food for thought.

Finally, I would return to the idea of the people now being gradually influenced to take up the ideas that our would-be spiritual rulers, who knowingly serve Satan, want us to believe. I think everyone needs to scrutinise their thoughts and derive if those thoughts are theirs or someone else’s? Do they really hate conservatives or are they being influenced by circumstances, events that they do not control or their smart phones and the algorithms of social media and artificial intelligence. Kind of adds a new dimension to the old Hill Street Blues adage of the 1980’s “Let’s be careful out there.” And watch what you’re thinking and saying you Christians.

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