Friday, November 10, 2023

Songs and Incantations


With the advent of Rock Music into the Western Democracies in the 1940’s and 1950’s. Christians were taken largely unawares that this music is sorcery. To those of us brought up in the era of the Beetles and The Rolling Stones we knew only the music was rhythmic, sensational, tuneful and as appealing to the ear as to the mind.

The dangerous aspect of this type of music is that it incites the mindless repetition of the verses. Many of its adherence do not actually know the words they are singing along with much less the import of those lyrics. These lyrics are runes or spells and when you sing along with them you cast them upon your self.

Hence the ability of the music to incite sexual emotions, as well as, violence and depression in those who sing them. Thus it follows that this music and the genres that follow along with it have laid waste to the morality of our Western Societies.

Hip Hop, Heavy Metal and Reggae have also been instrumental in this steep decline and de-Christianisation of the Western World. Our children are saturated with this kind of sorcery and the other types that are woven into the games that they play on their various devices. They are being sucked into witchcraft without realising it and are at the same time pulled away from Christianity.

Combine this with the Harry Potter Series which many Christians see nothing wrong with and you have created a highway to hell of the spiritual kind. As Christians we need to wake up and work to make as many people aware as we can of the terrible danger that this kind of sorcery represents. No Christian should meddle with any of this dark sorcery and we should be working to draw our fellow Christians and our children away from it.

I believe we should all be praying against this incredibly dangerous and toxic black magic and for our friends and children to be drawn toward Christ Jesus. Let us hope and pray that it is not too late. The day is late and Jesus is coming soon but will he find oil in our lamps?

John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”

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