Saturday, October 14, 2023

Oh Boy did I Get Into Trouble Over My Big Waha and the Election

I have this approach to debate where I feel it is helpful to understanding the issues if you can hold the same idea as the person you are talking too while you discuss aspects of a topic. So I talk to left wing folks as if I share their opinions and to right wing folks as if I share their opinions.

Yes, it is a little two faced and if you get caught you can tend to annoy the people around you. However, I am not particularly worried what people think of me so I think it is a useful strategy to discuss the issues and to promote greater understanding. Not to mention to slip in some Christian ideology and values as we debate the issues.

Then the election rolled on and I had no real idea who I would vote for right up to the moment I went into the election booth. I decided my local candidate for the party that took the night fits closest to my own values. He voted against abortion and euthanasia so I locked him in and I usually vote for a certain elderly maverick politician but I decided we needed a government with a majority this time so voted for the party that won the night.

So, does this mean I'm wide eyed and innocent, expecting the Caped Crusader to win the day for all Kiwis in the next three years. Well no, it means that we really need him to do that but we are, in terms of bible prophecy, in Matthew chapter twenty four territory. We’re hearing of wars and rumors of wars, famines, floods and pestilence. The new Prime Minister’s allegiances are probably closer to the last Prime Minister’s allegiances than any grass roots New Zealanders.

We are nationalists and he is a globalist. I suspect that Agenda 30 is higher on his priorities than housing the homeless. We have a full fledged Climate Emergency, remember, so we need to get the global population back to 500 million or less. I do hope the new PM will go easier on our farmers and maybe we will see less cones around the place. Perhaps they might open up a new refinery so that we can get some better quality roading materials, and slightly lower fuel prices?

Who knows really? All that I can say is that we would seem to be in that End Times - End of the Church Age corridor. If that is the case we need to batten down the hatches. Christians need to go hard on sharing the gospel of Salvation in Jesus Christ. We need to be on fire for Jesus and prepared for tough times ahead.Times for Spirit Filled Believers to excel in the service of Yahweh Elohim.

Matthew 24:13-14 “But the one who endures to the end, he will be saved. This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.”

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