Friday, September 15, 2023

The Tiny Earth Defence

You will often hear a defense given by the unwilling unbeliever. It goes something like this. The universe is such a huge place with countless solar systems and untold numbers of galaxies. Why would God concern Himself with the people of such an average star who live on such a tiny planet as Earth?

The bible tells us that God created the Earth in six planetary days and that He found everything that He created to be good. Which by our standards means that it was perfect and without defect. It does not mention that the Earth was small, or the Sun was average in size. The creation narrative only gives Jehovah's comment about creation being good by His own standards.

After he finished creating on Earth, God took a day off which he called the Sabbath and he gave instruction that man was to take the seventh day of every week and to cease from his work and to rest in honor of God’s Day of rest after the six days of creation.

The bible doesn’t find any reason to question why God is at work on Earth. However a possible reason for this is that although Earth is small in a seemingly average solar system in an ordinary galaxy. God is a universal God meaning he is everywhere, omniscient, or all knowing. Whether he is at work in the largest galaxy or the smallest. He is everywhere and there is nothing beyond his notice. Nothing is insignificant or irrelevant and everything is of great importance to him that is in his creation.

There is also a greater reason for God’s involvement on Earth. At some time in the past a war took place in Heaven. It was led by the fallen archangel Lucifer who was corrupted when he began to despise God and sought to elevate himself to be the ruler above God and over all of creation. As a consequence of his personal corruption he rebelled, leading one third of the angels of heaven against God in a cosmic battle. He was defeated and cast out of heaven.

God then created the Earth and populated it with plants and animals of all kinds and micro organisms and things of every kind. This included man and woman who were created to oversee all of the creation and to be in charge of all that God had created on the Earth.

Satan then became involved and misled man causing them to eat of the fruit of the tree on knowledge and to disobey God who had instructed them not to eat of the fruit of that tree. This resulted in the fall of man and the introduction of sin into the creation on Earth. Before the fall Adam and Eve were innocent in the highest sense of the word and were not aware that they were naked. God then clothed man them in skins and instructed them about the consequences of their fall.

There then developed two lines of descent among men. The sons of God and the sons of man. The sons of God obeyed God and made sacrifice for their sins by presenting slain lambs on the alter before God and sprinkling blood on the alter. The sons of man followed their own hearts and did as they pleased guided by the Satan the prince of darkness. Sadly the trend was for all men to become more and more evil and in the end for God to make a decision that he regretted ever making man and that he would destroy them.

Noah was the only righteous man left and God instructed him to build an ark which took a century to complete. Once it was finished God placed Noah and his family and two animals of every kind into the Ark and then he flooded the world destroying the rest of mankind and most of creation.

After the flood God raised up men by which to manifest His glory and to provide a savior for mankind and the creation on Earth which was displaying the impact of sin and groaning under the weight of it. God made a covenant with Abraham to establish him as a nation through which all men would be blessed.

Through the family of Isaac, the son of Abraham, and his son Jacob (Israel). God began to build a holy nation consecrated to himself to take the Law of God to the nations. He raised Moses to lead the nation of Israel to the promised land and to bring his law to the people. He gave them righteous judges to lead the nation in times of trouble and eventually raised the righteous King, David, with whom to establish a covenant that would lead directly to the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ.

Through His death, burial and resurrection, Christ Jesus ushered in the covenant of Jeremiah thirty one. A new eternal covenant that would see the Holy Spirit write the Law of God on the hearts of the believers and put it into their minds. Which enables true repentance and the consecration of Christians to the holiness of God because the helper (Holy Spirit), indwells them.

To conclude, it is obvious that God is incredibly invested in the creation on Earth and has enacted a plan that will remove sin and rectify the damage it has done forever. All of creation will groan no longer and will be completely restored to its former glory and to the eternal glory of Jehovah. So, tiny Earth and average size Sun or not. It matters not to God. He is eternal and omniscient and not a speck of sin is permissible in His Universe. It will all be dealt with and removed and the Universe will be cleansed and holy once more.

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