Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Grace and why it applies to you.

Many non Christians for whatever reason aren’t interested in hearing the gospel. They aren’t interested in religion or they don’t believe there is a God. They’ve had a bad experience with Christianity or Christians have been hypocrites. This applies to a lot of Christians as well. There certainly is nothing like encountering someone who is all preachy, or who doesn’t practice what they preach, to put a crimp in your attitude toward Christianity.

Non Christians use hypocrisy to justify not wanting to hear the gospel and Christians use it to justify not fellowshipping with other Christians. The other reasons like not being interested in hearing the gospel, or don’t believe there is a God, or aren’t interested in religion. Well they’re just excuses. Excuses from folks who don’t know whats at stake.

One of the biggest lies that unsaved folk believe is “When you’re dead you’re dead.” You know the drama. There is no God, Atheism. There is no creation, Evolution. There’s just me and the universe and when this life is over, I’m dead. That’s all she wrote. There’s only one problem with this scenario. What if you’re wrong?

What if there is a God. What if there is a creation and it’s not the universe. What if it’s God that created the universe and you. You see, prior to your involvement in the situation there was a problem with one of God’s primes. An angel called Lucifer, went off the reservation and led one third of the angels in a war against God. He lost and was thrown out of heaven but got some revenge by interfering in a project that God was initiating in the spiral arm of this galaxy on a little planet called Earth. Lucifer, also called Satan, misled our first parents, Adam and Eve, causing them to disobey God and to fall into sin.

God began to work on a plan to restore man and the creation back into a sinless and righteous relationship with himself. He proposed to send a savior from the Godly line of man to rescue mankind from eternal separation from God. He made covenants with Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and David.

Then in an amazing turn of events, around twenty centuries ago, the Holy Spirit overshadowed a virgin and a child was born and named Jesus. Jesus led a perfect sinless life, preached a gospel of repentance for three years during His ministry. Was tried and crucified by the Jewish authorities, bleed and died. Was buried and raised on the third day. That all who believe on Jesus the Son of God might not perish but inherit eternal life.This is the gospel and is a part of God’s grace toward sinners who seek to be saved from sin in Christ Jesus.

So, if you’re in denial and you have yourself convinced that it’s one life and then you’re eternally dead or perhaps you think you’re on an eternal go round and have many lives. Well, you need to factor in Yahweh. The Creator God of this World and this Universe. You need to consider what the bible says about us. Romans 3:10 “There is none righteous, not even one.” Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” NASB 1995

Finally, the book of Proverbs has some amazing advice for all of mankind but there is one statement that is made there that has relevance to this teaching. Proverbs 14:12 “There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.” We’re talking about eternal death here. For the bible says that it is give for all men once to die but we are talking here about rejecting the truth that is in Christ Jesus and paying the ultimate penalty which is the second death. Eternal and irreversible separation from God and eternal life. Think it over and don’t be foolish about it.


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