Wednesday, July 5, 2023

When Jesus Stands Beside Us...

I don’t know if you’ve seen the painting by the Christian artist Warner Saliman. I used to have a small one at my bedside many years ago. It shows a seaman at the helm of a sailing ship in the midst of a storm. Beside him with His hand on the man’s shoulder stood Jesus with His other arm pointing the way.

Many years ago an old friend told me a story about a fishing expedition that off of the Coramandel Peninsular here in New Zealand. He and his wife had invited some friends to accompany them for a day out fishing in their 20 footer. The day was fine and the swell light as they set out. They reached the fishing spot some miles of shore and had a lovely day fishing and sharing fellowship with friends.

Suddenly, the the swell began to pick up and they were caught in a squall miles from land. My friend pulled in the anchor and started the engine and began a long slow trip that took several hours and which his friends were not certain was going to end well. He however remained calm, he knew his boat well, and he said “I just kept her facing straight into the swell and proceeded at about three knots.” He told of how that they climbed some very steep waves but the boat never missed a beat and after a long and arduous journey that arrived home safe and sound.

Now, when I hear a story like that I know that Jesus was there beside my friend, hand on his shoulder and pointing the way home. The old boat was a good old girl but when I hear she never missed a beat, I know for certain that the Lord made sure she didn’t. They had much to be thankful to God for that day and that’s for sure.

Notice here, that my friend showed the attributes of a good Captain. He didn’t panic and rush home at full speed. If he had he would have broken the boat or capsized it. Instead he drew from years of carefully built up experience and rather than rush he did that which was contrary to instinct and went as slowly as he could. In doing so he protected his boat and it’s precious cargo. He was patient as he knew the distance was short but the journey would take hours rather than minutes. His wife and passengers were indeed fortunate that they had the right Captain that day and that the Lord Jesus was with them.

Along that vein, I know of an artist called Nathan Green who paints Jesus into many situations in the lives of His people. In the operating theater, in the shepherds fields, with the sick child. He portrays the tremendous wisdom and mercy of our precious Lord and Saviour, as He helps us overcome the trials and tribulations of life in this incredibly difficult world.

So many times, I find myself praying to my Lord briefly in the morning but not waiting to hear what the Captain of my life has to say in return. So often I rush head long into life under my own steam leaving a calamity of half solved problems and not really coming close to the type of resolution that Christ Jesus would achieve for me if I would only let Him lead the way.

He is however always there with me. Hand on my shoulder, ready to guide me in the power of the Holy Spirit. Never getting angry or despondent and always prepared to help out and to provide a way through when I discover that I need him. Always ready to forgive and help me pick up the pieces. He is the great Captain in life always prepared to guide me in the way of righteousness and to share with me His truth. All the while unfurling the righteous life of a Christian within my own failing and foundering life. He is My Lord and King.

There are many roles in life which require a Captain that has true wisdom and experience. When knowledge is of paramount importance. Where hearing the voice of the Saviour and walking in the Spirit are essential. Roles that require grace and mercy as well as tenderness and compassion. These roles include every walk of  life from mother and father, minister and elder to supervisor, counselor and politician. All require the skills of true captaincy, and leadership, and all require the blessing, and wisdom, that comes from a relationship with and the presence of Jesus Christ in their life.

Now, I have to say that everyone who follows Christ Jesus, everyone who is a Christian endures trials and times of persecution in their lives. I believe it is fair to say that we all remember times when the Holy Spirit has been palpably present and we have sensed Jesus close and almost known the pressure of His hand on our shoulder. Perhaps there have been times when we felt none of those things but when we look back we can see that he was with us and that we only made it through because he was there.

Equally, there are times where we are the Captains of our own destiny or so it seems. Times when we have to work with people, are responsible for certain things and we really need to make the right decisions and show the true grace of God to those around us. Even if we feel uncertain about how to do that. Those are the times when we need to seek Jesus but also we need to be aware that he is with us and understands our needs. Times when he guides our thoughts, our actions and even places his hands on our hands to help those actions to be more accurate.

Finally I say that as Christian Captains we need to be patient and take it slowly until we have the outcome we are seeking. We need to earnestly seek God about His will rather than running around like a headless chicken following our own will. We need to realise that God already knows the outcome and that we can trust him. We need to learn to pray and to be prepared to wait on God. If we can be patient then He can lead us to His perfect will and ultimately to an outcome that so exceeds our expectations that we could hardly imagine that it was ever possible. This is what can happen when Jesus stands beside you and you seek to stand beside Him. 

Christ our Pilot, by Warner Sallman 1950 © Christian Art

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