Saturday, May 6, 2023

Star Wars, The Force Be With You!


We live in troubled times. Secular Humanism, Scientific Atheism and of course Evolutionary Spiritualism. All combining together in an attempt to purge Christian Morality from the hearts and minds of thinking mankind.


It has worked as well, especially in the developed nations. We now have 35+ years of children born into a moral vacuum. In their often not so humble opinions there is no right or wrong. As long as people are not doing anyone else any apparent harm then we should leave them alone to do as they please. Sounds a lot like Satanism to me. Do as you will is the first commandment of those who follow that particular fallen one.


So, when we look at the Star Wars Universe and see the Jedi and the Sith. We think of that force running through everything in the Cosmos. The Yin and Yang of Earthly Buddhism in some sought of perpetual balance. The righteous are the Jedi and the wicked are the Sith but we are told that is the way of things and we must struggle to keep the balance that is required in the force.


Further, in Star Wars we can become God like if the force is strong in us. We have to learn how to meditate and seek the force within us. We're told that we can manipulate the physical to assist in daily life and to defend ourselves. We can be good or evil depending on our strengths. There is no right or wrong in the force only the balance of Good and Evil, Yin and Yang. Sound familiar? Yes the continuum of the force is similar to Buddhism or some aspects of the Hindu religion. Everything is God and essentially all things are a part of the divine. We are to seek enlightenment.


The proponent of the this type of, dear we say, enlightenment is Satan. What he said to Eve in the Garden of Eden is basically the same 'Self is God' rhetoric that we find in the multitude of religions that he has unleashed on humanity over the centuries. Eat of the tree of knowledge and be like God knowing good and evil.


This is all very well when you live in a world which is ruled by the Prince of Darkness. A continuum of good and evil seems quite logical. Being the God of your own life is quite appealing. The only problem is that this is not the truth of the cosmos.


The truth is that Yahweh Elohim is the creator of the heavens and the Earth. He is the one and only God and His son Jesus Christ who died on the Cross, in shed blood, to pay the price for our sins and has the only name under Heaven by which we may be saved.


It is not the good side or the dark side of the force that saves a man. It does nothing in fact. Rather, it is the righteousness of God as opposed to the unrighteousness of sin that we need to be seeking. It is not a continuum but actually two in congruent parallel lines that we should be looking at. One line the way of Jesus Christ and righteousness stretching to the right toward heaven and eternity. The other line the way of sin and the devil stretching left toward eternal death and hell fire.


We need to understand that those who love God. The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit are on the right hand side on the righteous way to salvation in Christ Jesus. Those who reject Christ Jesus are on the other line on the left hand side heading to eternal separation from God and to the second death in hell fire.


It is interesting that we speak of the politics of the right and the politics of the left. I don't think the most people realise what is being spoken of here. The right or the right hand side speaks of the righteousness of God. It is a Christian term for the things of Yahweh Elohim. For godliness if you will. The left or left hand side speaks to those who believe things that are contrary to the ways of God. The ungodly who will be left behind or those who are on the left side of God in their thinking. Perhaps those who reject Christ Jesus and are left. This way of thinking does have a certain symmetry with the continuum of the force but I still think those who walk in their sins are actually on a different road heading in the wrong direction.


When we speak of the force about those who are good and those of the dark side. We could say those on the right and those on the left. In reality though it is the righteous who follow Jesus Christ who is Yahweh Elohim and will ultimately prevail while those who follow Satan and stay in their sins will ultimately fail and die the second death in Hell Fire.


As always it is whether you hear the gospel preached and accept that Jesus bore your sins on the Cross. If you believe on Him you will not perish but will inherit eternal life (John 3:16). While those who reject the saving work of Jesus Christ on the Cross have perished already (John 3:18).


So whether you are attracted to Star Wars and the seductive mantra of the force or if you are tempted by the ideology of Eastern Religion. The idea that we are all God and need only look within to find the inner God. That it is all about inner peace and finding enlightenment. I would advise you to look to the one true God who so loved you that He gave His only Son for you. That in believing on Christ Jesus you will not perish but inherit eternal life. That you might be born  of the Spirit and of water. That in the waters of baptism you might die to sin with Christ Jesus, as he died on the Cross, and be raised to the newness of life as Christ Jesus was resurrected 

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