Saturday, February 4, 2023

Differing Faith Perspectives - My Opinion ???

We live in an interesting time. As I say this I am thinking that maybe I’m reflecting my age and stage in life. It seemed when I was a teenager that most Christians that I knew thought the same way about the main theological issues. I’m talking Protestant Christians when I say this.

Today it seems that Christians are much more aware of the theological position of the Church they belong too. I sense that many will disagree with me here. What I mean to say is that the folk who attend Liberal Mainline churches do so because they have a more secular world view mingled with Christianity. I tend to think that in the end they will become steadily more Catholic and then fall away completely into paganism. Just my opinion here and it may be unique.

The Adventist Churches are becoming steadily more mainstream despite their in insistence on reducing the person of Jesus Christ by claiming that he is Michael the Archangel and the need for a life of good works to ensure entrance into heaven. Their adherence to the Seventh Day Sabbath and to the idea that it is the seal of God without which no one can be saved is also somewhat of an anathema to accepted theology. Which would say that belief on the redemptive work of Jesus Christ is all that is needed to be saved and in fact there is no other name under the heavens by which we must be saved (Acts 4:12). And then there is equating the writings of Ellen White to the Holy Scriptures in the case of the SDA. If this is not an attack on the Word of God and the deity of Jesus Christ what is? Is this not a cult? Again, just my thoughts here.

The Calvinist Churches are doing very well in this environment taking the mantle of Conservative Protestantism. They have slipped into the space vacated by the Wesleyan styled churches of yesteryear which either closed their doors or became Charismatic. Despite the fact that they believe that a remnant of humanity is chosen by God to salvation from the beginning while the rest are destined to damnation by the same God. They seem to cling to the idea that by nature God is moody, unpredictable and completely arbitrary in His decision making. Like the Greek God’s, basically a man with God like abilities. Absolutely the opposite to Jesus Christ who is loving, caring and desires nothing but the best for all who will believe on Him. This belief structure is as variance with everything that I was brought up to cherish and believe about the God Head as a youth. Yet again just my opinion.

The Pentecostal / Charismatic folks have a center on the speaking in tongues gifting and tend toward the seeker movement where you don’t necessarily have to change much to come to church. The music, the dress code, the preaching are geared to allow people to settle into the routine of church without changing much. Gradually this sect is becoming more worldly and less concerned with the truth. Sermons are often based very loosely on a scripture but more often than not are just some rambling personal narrative of the Pastor concerned. The issue of greatest concern here though is the potential for dabbling in spiritism. There is a very real possibility that this doctrine of the Holy Spirit is in fact a false teaching and something which derives its power from Catholicism and the Catholic Charismatic movement of the 1960's. It is an attack on the Church which has been tremendously successful and has greatly diminished the Protestant Church to a shadow of it’s former self in combination with the secular agenda of course. Yes, just my somewhat extreme opinion once again.

As a result there is for the most part a lack of conservative churches that simply believe in a gospel based theology. What I’m talking about here is a focus on John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” A theology that believes that the gospel is for all people and that believing that Christ Jesus bore your sin on the Cross will ensure that you have justification and eternal life. A simple theology that says Christ Jesus is all you need and nothing else.

A theology which encourages new believers to follow the guidance of Acts 2:38 “Peter said to them, “Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” Baptism into the death of Jesus Christ and into the newness of life in His resurrection followed by the gift of the Holy Spirit and sanctification in the New Covenant.

This is the theology of most of the Protestant Churches in the New Zealand that I grew up with and I believe it is lacking from the religious environment of 2023. An issue that I find to be difficult to make inroads into because it seems that most Christians don’t agree with a Gospel is for All based theology anymore. Most denominations would say that they do but they actually don’t.

The liberals don’t believe in a raft of fundamentals like the virgin birth, the literal creation week or even the literal resurrection. The Tongues Movement place more emphasis on speaking in tongues and healing than the need to be genuinely converted, repentant and believing on Jesus Christ and his redemptive work. The Calvinists are caught up in there being only a remnant predestined to salvation. So they don’t really place much emphasis on winning souls, preaching the gospel or even believe in the possibility of actually influencing a person to accept Jesus Christ as their Saviour.

In the end I am reminded of an event during the ministry of Jesus. Matthew 19:14 “But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” The Christian life is a simple thing. We believe the gospel that Christ Jesus bore our sins on the Cross and resurrected on the third day. That we might have eternal life and a hope of salvation. We get baptised in obedience and receive the forgiveness of sins and the Holy Spirt who leads us to Christ and sees to our justification and over time our sanctification. The key to the Christian life is to have child like faith in Jesus Christ. Almost a blind faith that God has you safe in the palm of His hand and you need fear neither man nor beast for nothing can separate you from the love of God.

II Peter 3:9 “The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.”

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