Wednesday, January 4, 2023

 2023 is here...

I am not sure if normality has returned after the lock downs and pandemic hysteria of the last couple of years. Or, if things have changed and we are just used to the new normal now? Will we ever make it back to the world we new prior to 2019?

Empty shelves in the super markets and pot holes in our roads, along with stop go ques, just seem to be the accepted thing now. Least of our worries as it were. Things are so not what they used to be though. A friend recently had her car broken into while she dropped her daughter at day care. The thieves smashed the window and stole her hand bag. She went to replace her cards and needed photo ID which had been stolen. She went to get a birth certificate only to discover they had lost her records and couldn’t issue one. She gradually got her life back together but would any of this happened in Aotearoa New Zealand ten years ago?

If we look at the world scene I guess the biggest bump on the horizon is talk of an imminent world recession. Lets hope that doesn’t knock our little piece of paradise around to badly. Real food shortages and economic collapse are never enjoyable. Then there is the continuing war in the Ukraine where weird things are also normal. Vladimir Puten threatening nuclear war every other week while Germany and the rest of Europe suck it up as shortages of energy hit hard for the winter. Someone blew up Nord Stream II although no one has taken responsibility we all tend to think it was the Americans. Like I said weird things. The World is getting stranger and stranger.

So where are we heading? Well as I mentioned and we all know Russia has invaded Ukraine and is showing the West that they aren’t the only World Power who can reduce countries to rubble. American strategists are trying to guess when China will make a move to invade Taiwan. One includes Australia into that scenario. It seems to be overlooked that China already has large populations in many Western democracies and the soft invasion began long ago. The invasion may just be a preemptive first strike against the United States followed by firm alliances with China and a shift to Communist rule in places like Aotearoa New Zealand. Who knows I guess.

Organisations like the World Economic Forum which claims Jacinda Ardern and Vladimir Putin as it’s former protégé’s are vocally calling for ‘The Great Reset.’ Which would usher in a form of corporate control of Global Society which would seem to coincide with One World Government at a corporate level and seamlessly integrate with the UN’s Agenda 30 aims and aspirations. The WEF has been around for some decades now but in the last few years it seems to be at the forefront of the New World Order and when chairman Klaus Schwab says something people listen carefully. We now have only seven years until 2030 and the UN agenda has much to do before that time. I suggest that from now on life is going to be more and more challenging as the changes start to bite.

Another facet of the New World Order is of course centered around the Roman Catholic Church and the activities of Pope Francis. The Pope lead the Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions in September 2022. One of the major take aways from his speeches being that Pope Francis called for an end to fundamentalism and terrorism through a greater interfaith dialogue based on all believers having the same rights.

It has been commented that this is veiled threat against Protestant and bible believing Christians? Portraying Christians who would not accept a secular world view, or climate change, as terrorists? Given the global situation and moves against freedom of religion and in particular in relation to evangelical and fundamentalist Christians. Focusing particularly on this kind of talk in politics of stronger laws against hate speech. This dialogue from the head of the Roman Catholic Church is in all likelihood portentous to the Church in the near future.

In conclusion: I would have to say that I have had a sinking feeling since the Christchurch Mosque Attacks in 2019. Whether the event was contrived or more likely a sign of significant change to the world in which we live. To the extent that the time of peace we have known in New Zealand is now passing away in favour of a more disrupted and disorderly time where personal freedom continues to dissipate. Where state interference at a personal level increases as government agendas involve hands on manipulation of the masses to manage perceived threats such as Climate Change and intolerance toward racial and social groupings with in society.

Finally, I perceive that Christians need to be aware that Jesus is coming soon as He promised. This time of upheaval is to be expected and once it is all over then the Lord will indeed return. If events in the world continue to unfold as they appear to be going too. Then the next few years will be pretty rough. Food shortages and economic crises with wars, famines and pestilence becoming more and more common and then probably all out world war. Anyone looking at the current situation would struggle to rule out this scenario. The 2020's have much in common with the 1930's. So it couldn’t hurt to be aware and start to prepare for what’s ahead.

Remember John 3:16 ““For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”

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