Wednesday, December 21, 2022

 Christianity: Living my best life.

Life can really mess you up and this is even the case for Christians. You wouldn’t believe how many Christians are either the victims of physical and mental abuse, drug and alcohol abuse or have grown up in an overly strict or even overly permissive home environments. Any of these situations are strategies that Satan uses as the prince of this world to mangle the lives of Christians and non Christians. You don’t have to look far to find people who are messed up because of these and other types of stresses and pressures.

In that vein, you’ll often here talk of people living their best life. You might envisage them having a big win on Lotto or doing well in business or with their career. Being affluent and successful might describe what is happening here. It is often the desire of people to be living life to the full or thinking that you only get one life so you better make the best of it.

So from a Christian viewpoint what is living your best life? I think it starts with understanding that all of your past sins and the things that cause you regret or shame are paid for through Jesus Christ’s redemptive work on the Cross. More specifically the blood that He shed on the Cross washes away the sins of those who believe on Him. It is essential that you understand this or your inability to move beyond your past will stifle your walk with God. If God can forgive you then you must forgive yourself or you will never live your best life.

I think another thing that it is important to realise is that you must get baptized because through baptism our past sins are forgiven and we receive the Holy Spirit(Acts 2:38). The work of the Holy Spirit is to sanctify us during the course of our life so that we are perfected for the next life (Romans 15:6). God’s purpose for us is to cause us to produce much fruit (John 15: 1-4). Fruit can be righteousness and it can be reaching others for Christ with the gospel. Whatever it is you can be sure it is achieved by walking in the Spirit and is not achieved by walking in the flesh. God’s purpose is for us to be living the best Spirit filled life that we can.

Living your best life in Christ involves that you  surrender control of your life to Jehovah. As men we have will and to live our best life we need to believe on Jesus Christ to receive salvation and eternal life. Once we are saved it comes down to allowing God, in the power of the Holy Spirit, to lead us. Our will needs to be in agreement with God’s will. The more that this is the case the more we will be living our best life. So yes there will be conflict between the flesh and the Spirit and we will always struggle not to go the way of the world but through our relationship with Christ Jesus and the Father and through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:17). We will overcome the world because Jesus has overcome the world (John 16:33). Thus He can enable us to live out our best life.

The icing on the cake as far as living your best life in Christ goes is this. You need to understand that you are a servant of Christ Jesus and just what that means. Along with that understanding you need to realise that the most important thing in life is people. So your best life includes having a servant heart for the people. As a Christian you have the power of Jehovah at your behest through prayer and fellowship with God in the Spirit. So your prayer and your walk need to show Jesus Christ in your life. You need to be as Jesus  Christ to those around you.

A grave misunderstanding in the lives of many Christians is that they see themselves as incapable. Whereas, if they only knew how able they are because they dwell in Christ Jesus. As long as they walk in the will of God nothing can stop them for what they bind on Earth is bound in Heaven (Matthew 18:18). So, as a Christian your best life is to be a soldier in the army of Jesus Christ. Which is to have a servant heart in Christ Jesus and to love God with all of that heart while you love your fellow man as you love yourself. Do that and you are Living Your Best Life.

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