Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Agenda 21/30: Are You For Real


There's a lot of fuss being made about the amount of disinformation on the Net at the moment. Along with Fake News and Hate Speech the powers of officialdom seem to be getting quite fired up about this issue. It would appear that they are seriously thinking of passing some fairly draconian legislation to prohibit the right to free speech as a result all of the turmoil that is being created.


A pair of issues that are cases in point are the antivax furore that arose about the measles outbreak in 2019 and then the anti Covid vaccine debate that largely aired on social media from 2020. The ruling block saw this as distinctly unhelpful to their agenda and threatened to clamp down on the various conspiracy theorist anti vax bloggers.


 Another issue or possibly group of issues that seem to upset the ruling class are those based around climate change and environmental pollution. In this debate the Christians and Conservatives  seem to have been besmirched as Climate Deniers and Conspiracy Theorists and once again vailed threats have been made around the idea of bringing in laws to control those who oppose the socialist neo-Marxist agenda in any way.


My interest here is very much about Agenda 21/30 and the various objectives of the Global Elite in terms of what they see as needing to occur to rectify Climate Change by 2030. If you are familiar with Agenda 21 then you will know that it was the published goals of a United Nations summit of the Global Elite held in 1992 in Brazil.


It laid out clear objectives that those gathered in Brazil at that summit felt needed to be achieved by 2021 in order to avert Climate Changes that had the potential to wreck havoc on the Earth and which may well be irreversible. By 2015 most of the goals laid out had not been even entertained and at a conservative estimate would not be achieved until 2050.


Thus the actions which needed to occur to implement the objectives laid out in 1992 were discussed and identified and a plan put in place immediately to achieve the core goals of Agenda 21 by 2030. Thus it was renamed Agenda 2030 and work is now happening at pace to bring into being the framework that will reverse Climate Change.


So what are we looking at here and why are Christians and Conservatives so upset about it? Surely if the science supports climate change everyone should just accept that humanity needs to address this potential catastrophe?


However, the problem here is that Jesus described the type of events we are looking at today in Matthew chapter 24. He indicated that they were went by God as a sign that the end is near. So who would benefit by saying these events are the result of manmade climate change and not signs from God?


The simple answer is that Satan and those involved in what the bible describes as the Mystery of Iniquity would benefit. You see if they can deceive humanity into believing the scientific perspective rather than the Christian perspective they can cause them to embrace atheism with the end goal being to create a One World Government to save mankind and the planet.


So, if they can  hinder mankind from seeing that what is happening is judgement from God and that they need to repent and accept Christ Jesus to prevent catastrophe. Then rather than most people becoming Christians they will become atheists or, worse still, Mother Earth worshiping pagans.


Hence many Christians completely reject any attempt by the secular atheist movement and the news media to foist climate change on the unsuspecting public. This has resulted in a backlash through the new media as they attempt to portray Christians and Conservatives as right wing fascists.


The next seven to ten years are going to critical to the construction of a completely New World Order. What we have seen in the past three years with the global pandemic has been central to getting people used to obey the orders from a central global source in the form of the United Nations and the World Health Organisation.


The News Media have been crucial to pulling the people into line using science as a stick to bestow praise on good citizens and to toss brickbats at the backward Christians and Anti-vaxxers. Decrying them as backward and intolerant.

Daily life has changed into and Orwellian dystopia. Some foods are becoming difficult to obtain, energy costs are soaring supposedly because of the Ukrainian war. Road crews and general contractors seem unable to complete simple projects that would have taken mere weeks only few years ago and now take years. The roads are being allowed to decay and degenerate at an alarming rate.


Climate change projects are subsuming funds required to maintain infrastructure to the detriment of the efficient function of the nation. Farmers are being told to pay tax and destock which will send many to the wall and next year we are being told to brace for a Global Depression that some are saying will end the middle classes across the planet.


However, the end is not yet this is merely the birth pangs before the real event begins. Jesus described this time in Matthew 24: verses 6-8 "And you will be hearing of wars and rumours of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pains." Bible Gateway NASB.


This time is probably going to last for the next several years and then the time of judgement and tribulation will begin in earnest and last for seven years. It is often described as the Seventieth Week of Daniel from the Book of Daniel in the Bible. It is also known as the Time of Jacob's Trouble from Jeremiah 30: verse 7. That time will conclude with the Second Advent of Jesus Christ and the establishment the Kingdom of God.


Thus we look at the events of this time and are often discouraged by the attitudes of secular society and the rise of ancient paganism to prominence once again. However, it doesn't matter how complex their science or how sophisticated their plans like Agenda 21/30. The plan of Jehovah and his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ will be enacted through the Holy Spirit and His people. Jehovah will be triumphant and Jesus Christ will return to establish the Kingdom of God. He is coming soon!

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