Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Terrorism of the Heart

You know even before the Epidemic began in New Zealand Aotearoa. Back in February 2020. I had a bad feeling about the way things were heading. We had John Key stand down in December 2016 for no apparent reason but that began a time of uncertainty for me because I knew National would struggle to win the next election.

When the election came it seemed certain the Mr Little would lose but months before I knew that Jacinda Ardern was the golden ticket. I thought she would eventually pair up with Grant Robson but it was of little consequence because when Mr Little stepped aside Ms Ardern swept to power. I know, Winston Peters played his part but once she was in the race it was a sure thing that she would be the next Prime Minister.

Then it seemed like we had a crises every six months. There was the furore over KiwiBuild, one of the Labour Party ministers was sacked for indiscretions, The Mosque Attacks, The Measles epidemic and the associated Vax and Antivax debate on Social Media. Then came the inevitable. Finally the hurdle that we were not going to be able to just walk around. The Covid Epidemic.

You know right from the time Key resigned I had an uneasy feeling that things were going to break loose and the Western World was never going to be the same again. I guess the West hasn’t been the same since 2001 and the Twin Towers Attack in New York. The thing is NZ managed to stay out of it until 2016 and John Key stepped aside. Since then it has seemed like it was only a matter of time until we entered a new era.

So here we are with a globally contrived epidemic that feels as fake and strange as all of the events that preceded it since the Ardern Government came to power. Don’t get me wrong Ms Ardern seems like a nice person but, she is educated in line of thought. She is a globalist, a socialist and is a darling of the global elite who see the way forward being borderless countries and globalism. What is happening now seems to be creating the path to global World Government.

And so here we are today standing on the slippery slope of exchanging personal freedom for perceived safety. The bible makes an interesting statement about this in Luke chapter seventeen verse thirty three “Whoever seeks to save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life will preserve it.” So what does that mean how does it apply to the current uncertainties. Well it seems like a logical thing to wear masks, get vaccinated and gather less frequently in lower numbers to avoid getting the virus.

However, we are making certain assumptions. For one thing that that the government is being truthful with us and isn’t unfolding some Orwellian nightmare into our society. Lets face it, we are hoping to save our lives by listening to the authorities and doing the right thing. However, scientists theorise that a drastic reduction in population is necessary to allow the Earth to recover from pollution and to reverse Climate Change. May be giving up our freedoms to save our lives short term will result in us losing them later on. I hate to ask this but “Can we trust our leaders?”

What am I on about I hear you say. That doesn’t make a lot of sense. Well I guess what I’m trying to say is that Christ Jesus said “Whoever seeks to save their life will lose it and whoever seeks to lose their life will save it.” In the case of the pandemic it is counter intuitive to go against the advice of the government. It seems like the best idea is to listen to them and to obey their instructions.

So, instead of obeying the government the very idea of reading your bible and seeking the Lord in prayer to protect you from the virus would seem to most people a foolish idea . To Christians this is simple faith and by seeking Christ Jesus and listening to still small voice of the Holy Spirit the believer is unworried about losing their life and actually are in the process of saving it. Whereas, if you try to save your life by obeying the government and ignore God you may very well lose it. Again, it seems counter intuitive but what can I say? Trust man and you lose your life. Trust God and you save your life.

It has been two years now since the Covid Virus made it’s entrance into New Zealand Aotearoa and the World. Two years since the World as we knew it changed forever. Social Media has whipped the facts into a frenzy. The virus is harmless. The virus is deadly. The vaccine is a poison. The vaccine is our salvation. In the end it is terrorism of the heart. Who knows what to believe for certain. Many Christian leaders can only say the whatever you decide about getting the vaccine is a matter of personal conscience. Everyone is confused and fearful.

You know I have wondered why the powers that be would release a virus that is not particularly deadly. If you wanted to drastically reduce the worlds population wouldn’t you release Ebola or something really deadly. Why Covid? This would tend to give credibility to the idea that the virus is simply a natural occurrence. Unless there is another agenda in play.

What if the agenda is to get the people used to being controlled and micro managed by the State? What if this is literally “Terrorism of the Heart.” A program designed to gradually acclimate citizens to an environment of control. In this scenario the government would focus on fear of pain and death from the virus and use the vaccine as a carrot and a punishment at the same time. Social Media would be essential to pouring out information and misinformation at the same time. The aim would be to make people so fearful that they would willingly throw their freedom away.

What if Social Media is integral to the program. To lead a panicking society to take up a series of vaccine related personal identification methods. Lets say certificate, then passport, then micro-chip. I’m going to make a final suggestion here. What if we are looking at a method of getting people used to using these identification methods so that when the time comes they will accept a mark on the back of their hand and forehead to enable them to be able to buy and sell in the coming global World Government. A personal identification system that the bible calls “The Mark of the Beast.”

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