Wednesday, November 17, 2021

10 Reasons for End Times Apocalypse NOW!

1. Bible Prophecy. The events involved in the Last Days period are found in Matthew chapter Twenty Four. These events are described by Jesus in the book of Matthew and the events outlined there are certainly similar to those of today. Wars, famines, pestilences and earthquakes in a time of apocalypse of which it says if the if that time were not shortened no flesh would survive.

2. The Restoration of Israel. Many are quite unmoved by the fact that for nearly two thousand years the nation of Israel no longer existed. But a number of bible prophecies say that Israel would be dispersed (Ezekiel 36:19), and in the last days regathered from the nations of the Earth (Deuteronomy 30: 1-20, Jeremiah 31:8). Israel’s restoration is a watershed moment for the fulfillment
of prophecy and the miracle that after 19 centuries Israel is still a people that could be regathered from the nations. Just Amazing.

3. The Population of the Earth has never be so numerous. At eight billion souls the Earth is bursting at the seams. Not because there isn’t enough land to hold this population but because of the damage this population is doing to the environment in the process of living and the drain on resources.

4. Climate Change. The deforestation of the planet. The waste pouring into the oceans from a population of eight billion. All of the damage being done with out consideration of the consequences and a refusal in many cases to acknowledge that there is a problem. This bringing into being a situation where climate change is becoming a crucial problem in this time.

5. Food and Resources are becoming a limiting factor to the survival of mankind in this time period. Again population related. There is already famine and disease in the developing world. The reality is that we have already passed the milestone beyond which the Earth can sustain this population with the methods currently employed to grow food and to provide necessities for everyone.

6. Fresh Water. Around the world sources of fresh water are being acquired by the global elite in the sure knowledge that fresh, pure water is going to be a scarce resource in the near future. People cannot survive without water.

7. Digital Technology has changed the face of communication and even the face of social interaction for the world. The production of this technology is resource heavy and the disposal of it is a crisis in itself because of the toxicity of elements in the component parts. The impacts of it on communication, research and the ability to wage war are substantial and potentially lethal to the future of both the planet and the human race.

8. Quantum computing will have a vast impact on the speed and ability to research and develop technologies in the near future. If digital technology has seen a revolution in research and development then moving to quantum computers will result in a literal quantum leap in that area.

We are starting to see this already in the areas of artificial intelligence, industrial design and weapon design particularly in China. Also in the most recent surge in genetic engineering, drone and vehicle technology. The impact of these advances on the design and power of new weaponry may equate to warfare that is so potent that mankind can’t survive it.

9. World War Three. WWIII will be the next iteration of the World War cycle. It is now seventy five years since WWII. Atomic weapons have been available since then and so we have had world ending capability since then. We now have beam weapon technology able to rival nuclear weapons and developments in the technology of war have generated numerous more efficient methods of destroying ourselves.

The next World War will probably be the first human war to kill billions of people. With the advent of numerous new technologies it is hard to see a scenario where mankind could survive the carnage of another world war.

10. Rejection of God. The world is as it was in the days of Noah. A large global population which is steadily turning away from Christianity. This is certainly the case in the developed world. This situation combined with record population, and the consequences of poor stewardship of the Earth by mankind is highly destructive. We have ‘Sown the Wind,’ and are likely going to ‘Reap the Whirlwind.’ As God’s judgement comes upon mankind.

Even without the possibility of the World entering the Judgements of the Last Days. It really seems unlikely that mankind could last another fifty years without encountering an extinction level event. Just the fact that the population is large and will continue to grow means its impacts will continue to be destructive to the well-being of the Earth and it’s ability to sustain mankind. So whether you believe bible prophecy or not. The next generations will almost certainly know a time of Apocalypse.

John 3: 16 – 17 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.

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