Friday, October 15, 2021

Preaching: Expository Preaching versus the Thematic Approach


Expository Preaching is a methodology used mainly in Reformed Churches and some other conservative Churches. It involves the preacher selecting a scripture to focus on which maybe as little as a verse or as much as a chapter. The idea is for the preacher to research the scripture selected and to prayerfully and in the power of the Holy Spirit to expose the context and content of that piece of scripture. This is done in such a way as to edify the congregation and to apply to them the truths of the Word of God.

Thematic Preaching is a methodology used mainly in churches other than those in the Reformed Community. It involves the preacher choosing an appropriate theme, and scriptures to support the theme, in regard to the congregation and to prayerfully and in the power of the Holy Spirit to expose the context, linkages and content of the pieces of scripture in the theme selected. This is done in such a way as to edify the congregation and to apply to them the truths of the Word of God.

So which is best? Well most preachers preach the same way. Whether they are using the expository approach or thematic approach. They are usually attempting to take the themes in the text and to apply them to issues in the life of their Church and to the needs of the congregation. It is not uncommon to see a preacher make statements about how they see a particular scripture applying to that particular fellowship of believers. This is also the case with preachers using the thematic approach as they also tend to put together a persuasive argument as to why these scriptures apply to their particular fellowship of believers.

I’ve heard great sermons of either type and I’ve seen preachers who used a hybrid of the two models. A focus on a certain text preached on in a sequential method but also bringing in a small number of other scriptures to support contentions they are making in regard to their congregation. It actually makes little difference which method is used.

If a preacher is Walking in the Spirit and is bending to the Will of God rather than consciously and even unconsciously following personal agendas. Attempting to coerce his flock in the direction of his choosing. More often than not and particularly in the current era preachers are influenced by televangelism and the prosperity gospel or some other equally questionable doctrines and are not preaching from pure motives.

So what can we say in the end about expository and thematic preaching? Well both are fine if the preacher is sufficiently well informed on the themes within the scriptures that have been chosen. The biggest failings in any preaching come from the relationship the preacher has with Christ Jesus. 
A preacher could give a three word sermon if they were sufficiently close to the Saviour, and walking in the Spirit, and see the congregation fall to their knees in repentance. Bowed under the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. 
So I guess that what I believe is it’s not the quality of the sermon or the delivery that matters. It’s the relationship of the preacher to Jesus Christ that really matters.

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