Saturday, October 30, 2021

Don't be Anxious: Bring Everything to God in Prayer

Wow has the Covid Pandemic been a roller coaster ride or what? It isn’t over yet by a measure even here in Aotearoa New Zealand. I’ve had the vaccination and I am fully vaccinated as have most of our whanau. Those who haven’t had the vaccine are considering getting it.

In the case of one family member the music group 660 are coming to Rotorua in March and that is a powerful inducement to consider getting the jab. Another family member is far from convinced of the safety of the vaccine citing a friend who had it who had a terrible reaction and is now in hospital having fluid removed from her lungs by syringe. There seem to be some bad reactions to the vaccine but,so far, our whanau has not encountered them. Praise God!

I have wider whanau members who are really pounding the streets and sounding the gong about dangers of vaccines and in particular the Covid Vaccine. Now, while I support their right to protest and do what they’re doing. I wonder why they are doing it?

As Christians aren’t we people of faith. Don’t we bring everything to God in prayer as the old hymn goes? If I have to get Ivomectin and Vitamin B and, Vitamin C and, Zinc to keep me safe from the Covid virus and similar products plus Apple Pectin to cleanse my system from impurities in the Vaccine that are now in my body. What value is there in being a Christian. I might as well take up alchemy instead

However, Yahweh is a mighty God and we have no need to fear anyone or anything as Christians. The Lord will provide everything we need and no force that has been devised can stand against him or, harm his people (Isaiah 54:17).

We should be a peace not running around striving in vain to save ourselves. Jesus said “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble,” (Matthew 6:34). So, my take on this is that we can simply trust in the Lord and be at peace.

The way I interpret this scripture is that if yesterday I got the vaccinated then that was a care of yesterday. Today has its own cares and the same with tomorrow. If we trust everything to God in prayer then he will look after the cares that arise in the correct order and at the right time. I should be able to just pray and then forget the issues that are arising. They are with Yahweh now and he will take care of them.

I don’t know about you but I try to be as calm as I can. I need peace. Chaos makes me anxious and I lose my peace. I lose my calm and if I’m not careful I respond in anger. I am no longer walking in the Spirit but I find myself walking in the flesh. I become concerned about the trials and challenges of the weeks and months ahead. I start trying to control life in my own power and I begin to stumble in my walk with God.

Philippians chapter 4 verse 6 puts it like this: “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.” So don’t let the enemy get a hold in your life. Don’t be fearful of Covid or the vaccine. Seek God and give him your burdens in prayer. Let him take hold of your cares and guide your every step along the way. Let Yahweh help you to become an oasis in the desert for those around you. Provide shade and water to needy travellers that stop near by. Bring everything to Him in prayer.

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