Sunday, October 10, 2021

It’s All About the Base


Life is complex and confusing. The world can be a harsh place. It often isn’t fair and it will chew you up and spit you out if you don’t keep your wits about you. Sometimes things happen which are so big that you get caught up in them and can get thrown about like a rag doll.

Imagine being in Nazi Germany before the Second World War. The German State was so dominant under Hitler you were judged on your appearance, your philosophy and even your racial background. It could and did impact on your ability to provide for yourself and in certain cases meant you would be rounded up and imprisoned.

Because we are born at a certain time and place in history we tend to think all of these things that comprise our life are new. That they have never happened before. This isn’t true. The bible says that there is nothing new under the Sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9) It has all happened before.

In the days of Ancient Babylon information was stored on clay tablets. These tablets were created using a language style called cuneiform. One was discovered which told of the job description of a clerk in the government’s employ. Even then the rulers were trying to instill into the people what they had to do to be a good citizen. That was approximately three thousand years ago and yet today it has become almost an art form.

In China the state has been using CCTV footage and artificial intelligence to monitor their citizens. They are using that information to reward good citizens and to punish bad citizens for their behaviors. For instance if you associate with organisations the state doesn’t countenance. Churches for instance. You could be restricted to stay in your home suburb and not be allowed to travel anywhere else. They say the focus is on making more effective citizens.

Everything in this World is actually ‘All About the Base.’ When God created Adam and Eve they were intimately connected to God. So much so that I believe they were covered in the Shekinah Glory of God (clothed in light). They understood everything that God was doing for them. For the Earth and for the Universe. They were based on the knowledge of God.

When Satan possessed the Serpent and spoke to Adam and Eve. He used what we call today Spin. He took the facts and changed them into an error to get Eve to consider things from a different point of view. A different Base. This led her to believe the Serpent. He’s very believable. Next she took the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge and ate from it. Then she gave it to her husband Adam who also ate from the fruit. Thus they disobeyed God’s instruction not to eat of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge.

They had listened to the devil’s spin. They disobeyed God which broke their connection to Him and they found themselves naked because they had also lost the Shekinah Glory (clothing light of God’s holiness). In short they fell from Grace. Another way of putting it was that they substituted the base of God’s knowledge for the base of Satan’s spin. Believe me the human race has been paying in shed blood every day since that happened.

Satan uses the strategy of ‘Divide and Conquer.’ In this way he has divided humanity into groups that he could control throughout history. He initially caused a split between Adam and Eve’s righteous offspring known as the Sons of God and the unrighteous Sons of Man. The latter group followed the devil. He has spent most of his time confuting the knowledge of God with his own brand of lies and falsehood. The result has been war and violence down through the ages.

By the time of Noah with very few people on the side of God and the vast majority on the side of the devil. God became disenchanted and disheartened at the state of the hearts of men of whom he said “The wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was continually only evil.” At the time of the flood it has been put forward by knowledgeable scholars that the population of the Earth was some billions of souls. So when Christ Jesus said that the last days will be as it was in the ‘Days of Noah.’ Then the time we live in has some similarities to Naoh’s days in terms of the great evil and the large population.

Throughout the Church Age Christians have looked forward to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Our Lord himself said that he would come back quickly. He obviously wasn’t thinking in corporeal terms when he said that. As the apostle Peter said “A thousand years is but a day in the sight of the Lord.” However, if we were to look for signs of His coming. This time is a target rich environment.

Evil is in the intentions of men's hearts continually. Abortion is the slaughter of the innocents. Euthanasia could well be the slaughter of the wise. Much of mankind lives in poverty and disease. The rich get richer and the elite care not for the poor. Christianity is under siege over much of the Earth and many are martyred for the name of Jesus Christ. The World is founded on the ‘Base of Unrighteousness.’ The majority, whether they know it or not, follow Satan. Many don’t realise that, “There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.” NKJV

Finally, one way or another humanity will have to change bases. Jehovah will not allow mankind to continue in their folly. The lost likely have two choices. Either they hear the gospel now and repent in the name of Jesus Christ or, they face the coming judgement and repent when they see the consequences of their sins. Staying on the ‘Base of Unrighteousness’ will result in facing the second death and the Lake of Fire. Believe me friends, ‘It’s All About the Base.’

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