Saturday, October 2, 2021

Covid Conspiracy or Not ???


OK, all you conspiracy theorists... I've been thinking and I've decided none of your theories about Covid make much sense. I'll tell you why. 
First up, If I was going to kill everyone off to reduce the global population. I wouldn't use Corona virus. I would use a GE version of Ebola or Viral Tuberculosis and let it go via replacement automatic fly spray canisters and put them up in all of the high pedestrian traffic areas. Now that's an epidemic. Better still release several of the nastier virus types and set off several plagues.
I wouldn't use a relatively tame virus and waste a whole bunch of time getting people to take a vaccine which is apparently going to turn them into zombies with or without of the help of 5G. Which initially was supposed to make them into zombies by itself but now works on the vaccine to activate it or something like that. Question: Zombies are supposed to be nasty aren't they... So why would you want 7 billion un-dead zombies to deal with. Bearing in mind that there would only be a billion or less humans left by then? 
I wouldn't waste my time giving a gene therapy vaccine to folks which is going to destroy their immune systems because it is a slow and inefficient way of killing everyone. It will take years and probably won't work any better than the AIDS virus. Also given time someone would work out a retro virus to reinstall our immune systems.
I guess the vaccine could be a two stage affair where it reduces immunity and then the bad guys introduce another virus to finish the job of reducing the population. The thing is they could achieve the same goal with a more virulent virus in the first place. So it still doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
I don't even get them using the virus as a means of getting people to progressively acclimate to losing their freedoms. Why not just start an aggressive socialist youth organisation and intimidate the population into signing up to reduced freedoms and having to have travel papers etc.. A leftist version of the Hitler youth.
It's all so ridiculous that the only explanation that makes any sense is that the corona virus is causing a minor pandemic and the nanny state are trying to keep us all safe. Who'd a thought?
As a Christian I think personally that even if the elite are out to reduce the world population that God will restrict what they can do in this regard. In the bible Isaiah 54:17 says something to the effect of that no weapon brought against God or His servants will prosper. Which gives hope to the Church if no one else. May be it's time all you folks who aren't Christian to dust off that bible and read John 3:16.

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