Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Global Colonisation: Don’t Let Them Do It To Us Again...

I don’t know if you’ve been watching the media over the past couple of years but if you have you will have noticed the rhetoric around colonisation and may even have heard mention made of Critical Race Theory or CRT.

Particularly in relation to the Black Lives Matter movement in the United States but also seeping into race relations in New Zealand Aotearoa. As a pakeha New Zealander I find the CRT dialogue quite unhelpful and at times downright threatening. What really bothers me about it is that it is part of a revolutionary socialist agenda.

What CRT says is that a white person is born a racist. It is inherently in a white person and is woven into the society that white people have created for the white skinned man to be in control and the brown skinned man to be oppressed. Therefore we must overthrow the culture and society of the white man and replace it with a socialist / communist culture which enforces equality for all of the groups in society.

This agenda is ingenuous on so many levels. For a start the apostle Paul spoke of an organisation called the Mystery of Iniquity which has been in existence for millennia. II Thessalonians 2:7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. KJV

He indicated that there is a hidden conspiracy operating on the periphery of human culture and society with and agenda to bring humanity together under a single Luciferian government. The first instance of this was known in scripture as the The Tower of Babel was the first attempt to achieve a single world government. However, God thwarted it by confusing the language and creating nationalities among humanity.

The last millennium saw great advances in the Conspiracies efforts at control of individual nations and over regions like Europe, the Middle East and the Americas. This was largely coordinated from the Roman Catholic Church but also from more secretive organisations like the Illuminati.

Now when we speak of colonisation we need to understand that although it may appear that one group has come to a newly discovered land with superior technology and simply over powered and overrun that new land. This is only partly true. Those in control of the colonisation and the governments that are colonising are the one’s in control of the agenda.

An example would be the activities of corporate instruments like the New Zealand Company which bought favours from the Colonial Government in NZ and bribed officers of the government and the army to achieve entry into the economy of NZ and to remove Maori ownership of the land as an obstacle to the objectives of the Conspiracy. Which were to bring the country under global control from which it could never escape once in the fold and to benefit monetarily from the acquisition of NZ as a chattel.

The motives of white New Zealanders may have been in no way pure as they benefited from the removal of Maori as the rightful owners of the land. However, they were no more in control of the agenda than Maori were and those in control considered them to be just as much slaves and chattels as they considered Maori to be.

In fact these families in the Mystery of Iniquity have been colonising and dispossessing nations and races for millennia. In fact, some claim descent from Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon. Not only that but we are witness to the last act of this jaundiced organisations bid to bring about World Government. While continuing to colonise the nations they are now colonising the entire globe with the intention of enslaving mankind in a secular humanist / socialist / communist World State.

There will no longer be any personal freedoms. The will be a caste of rulers and everyone else will effectively be enslaved. Told what to do at the most intimate levels of their life. A literal Orwellian nightmare. Big Brother is watching you and the state will be in your home, your control of your mind and body.

So forget about CRT and white men being born racists. The conspirators of the Mystery of Iniquity have been playing that game for thousands of years. They set up one racial group as the bosses and use them as pawns to rule a nation and then after a century or two use them as the scape goats for all of the atrocities inflicted on the poor and downcast minorities by the conspiracy themselves. Meanwhile they slip back into the shadows and manage the next group of would be rulers from behind the scenes again.

It’s not about racial prejudice or intolerance in general. It’s about creating the dominant discourse in society and controlling who can participate in that discussion. If the white man has been the main contributor to the dominant discourse and the dominant group for the last several centuries. This is has been in no small way because of the dominance of Christianity in the West since the Reformation.

It is however a situation undergoing a rapid reversal as Christianity goes into decline in the current secular environment. Evolutionary Science and Humanism along with the Liberal Progressive Movement have laid waste to the hearts and minds of the vast majority of the younger generations, X,Y and Z.. As a consequence the Conspiracy is once again in control of the dominant discourse and is flipping societies values.

Bible believing Christians have not tolerated evolutionary science, homo-sexuality, spiritism, paganism. At the same time there has been racism and it has been wrongly tolerated by the Church. As a result the conspiracy is riding a wave of public indignation at what is portrayed as religious bigotry, by Christians, in the Media and on Social Media. The intention is to make the white man and the white man’s religion the scape goat for all of the pent up frustration that the wicked have experienced while the Christianity has been in the ascendancy.

The reality though is that we are moving from a world which founded it’s values in the bible and God’s righteousness to a world which has it’s values founded in wickedness. A place where evil is said to be good and good is said to be evil. The bible warns sternly the generation that adopts that perspective. Judgment is coming.

Many people wonder what the World is coming too. They find it unreasonable. They can’t fathom why poverty and homelessness are on the increase. The politicians seem unable to rectify the housing shortage citing a lack of funds and materials. In reality they have another agenda and a lack of appetite to correct the inequities of our society. Many Christian’s find it incredible that lawlessness and wickedness seems to be an accepted norm. They try to oppose this rising tide of evil and unrighteousness and are stumped that the World rejects what would seem to be sane and right demanding what is insane and wrong instead. A world increasingly subject to colonisation by the New World Order.

So what it comes back to God versus the Satan. Good versus evil and righteousness versus unrighteousness. This current Global Colonisation is intended to convert the masses into Godless, scientific secularists. At least in the first instance. It’s like painting a canvas white. Blank out the original painting and you can paint a new scene over the old one. Ultimately, blank out Godliness and you can replace that with AntiChrist.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

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