Friday, January 29, 2021


I was sitting in Church last Sunday and had a minor epiphany. I realised that I now know and love these people. Such that it doesn’t matter about our theological differences we are family. Just as my brothers and sister are always my family regardless of thought and deed. So, it is now with my Church family.

I think many believers go to Church with a bible in one hand a metaphorical loaded pistol in their pocket. If the Pastor or the Church body start become theologically different from themselves. They cock the hammer on the pistol. If things get worse, they pull out their imaginary gun and start waving it around wildly hoping to get their own way. Stressing the metaphorical element of this whole scenario here but the next step is walking out the door never to return.

I have to say that before I came to this Church I asked God to guide me to the Church He wanted me to become a member of and make it that He wouldn’t allow me to leave. For a number of reasons that is the Church I am a member of now.

For a start, the Pastor is now a close friend and he wouldn’t let me leave without a good reason which he would pursue me to obtain. The Church is quite theologically diverse and although the theology is Reformed individuality seems quite acceptable. I have challenged this premise continually and the Church community continues to accept my opinions with much love and patience. I have come to know the congregation and they are now my friends such that it would be difficult to turn my back on them and to walk away.

Another reason that keeps me with them more than any other is that my disabled son has been with this Church since it was planted and these people have loved and supported him. All the while accepting his different ways. Now, you might say “And so they should!” And yet many people Christian and otherwise are far from accepting of disability. Talking the talk and walking the walk are two completely different issues in this case. 

I can assure you. This is the one thing that of every doubt I have had that God wants me here with this Church. I come back to. That I owe them much on my sons behalf. And a while ago when I first was with them I would have left but that my son pleaded with me to stay.

And so. God has answered my prayer. I asked him to guide me to a Church that He wanted me to join and not allow me to leave and I have to say that He has done that. From where I stand I actually have skin in the game now. I now care deeply for these people and have patience and tolerance for their differing opinions. Even though I may disagree and believe the issues to be important.

So the greatest take home for me is that I’ve always looked for a Church that was a theological match to my beliefs. Whereas now, I see that the quality of the person is much more important than their theological standpoint. I think there will be many who believed on Jesus for their salvation in the Kingdom of Heaven who didn’t agree theologically with each other. Perhaps this is the beginning of wisdom for me?

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