Sunday, December 27, 2020

Christianity: Formal Worship Service


When I was a youngster attending an Anglican boarding school. We followed a liturgy in a common book of prayer. There were several that we recited in a wrote manner. The priest would say his part and we in the place of congregation said our part in response. Although there was a sense of peace in following a format of that kind. 

Even as a youngster I felt that there was something that what not quite right about just reading the liturgy aloud. It didn’t seem to come from the heart. It didn’t involve the mind because this was someone else’s thoughts. You were just reading them aloud. I found it concerning that you could follow that style of church service and never open the Holy Bible. It was a type of tradition based on repetitive recitation.

I guess what I’m saying is that as a believer from a more congregational background I don’t really subscribe to a service format which disconnects the mind from the worship, praise and direct communion between the Lord our God and the congregation gathered before him. I view liturgical communication as being dead and disconnected from God. Pure traditions of men.

In a similar vein, I don’t hold the reading and recital of creeds as being particularly different from reciting a liturgy. There are elements in many of the creeds that simply don’t align with the scriptures. In my opinion at least. The Nicene Creed is a case in point. I ask myself what does the phrase “the only Son of God, begotten from the Father before all ages,” actually mean? To me Christ Jesus was always one with God and never became the Son of Man until he took on flesh. At that point he was begotten. I don’t feel particularly comfortable reciting the Nicene Creed or even listening to it because I don’t believe the people who drew it up got it entirely right.

So, what could we conclude from all of this? Well, if religious tradition makes you feel all mushy inside then I guess it’s your thing. We have religious freedom so as some people say “Go for gold!” But personally, I would feel more comfortable if we were sure that what we recite in a wrote manner is accurate when compared to scripture. I would contend that it is important for a congregation to make a connection with the Father, Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit. In all of their worship, praise and preaching. That they acknowledge that as the scripture says “For where two or three are assembled in My name, there I am in their midst.” I suppose it’s a question of whether you prefer church tradition or a live connection in church through the Holy Spirit of God.

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