Friday, October 18, 2019

A Christian Perspective #1

You would be forgiven for feeling that a Christian perspective is the last thing that most Kiwi’s in our day and age would relate too. Particularly if you follow news media shows like TVNZ’s Breakfast TV where an entirely secular narrative is produced that seems to counteract bible based Christian values with equal entirety.

As a Christian it’s hard not to become deeply depressed by the continuous anti-christian diatribe. One despairs that that New Zealand society in 2019 seems to have become completely irreligious and in the words of Jesus Christ as it was in the days of Noah.

As a Christian who is prone to be somewhat infuriated by the blatantly evil practices that are accepted as being absolutely normal in this day. Abortion, the gender debate and euthanasia to name just a few of the hot issues of our time. One feels it is becoming increasingly dangerous to make a stand against the secular humanist agenda and that persecution is now a distinct possibility.

When I look at other conservative commentators in New Zealand like Family First or the New Conservative Party. I notice they are radiating the same sense of frustration that I am feeling. There is a not particularly attractive underlying animosity toward perceived irritants and miscreants. Sadly with increasing numbers of New Zealanders who consider themselves to be atheistic or irreligious. A commentary from Christianity that seems distant and somewhat sanctimonious  is not really helping the conservative cause.

I was listening to a morning media show recently and one of the presenters repeatedly made the claim that in the New Zealand of the future the nation will no longer be able to support the elderly. The current generation of baby boomers will have consumed all of the resources necessary to provide for subsequent generations. I found this to be an interesting assertion.

Surely a people has a responsibility to take care of its elderly. The fifth commandment reads “Honor your father and mother.” So at least at a family level we have a burden to care for our parents if nowhere else in society. We live in a time when capitalism completely controls the distribution of wealth amongst many of the nations in our time. There are a select few who can direct virtually unlimited wealth in whichever direction they choose. Believe me these people can easily create the money required to take care of the elderly in the nations of this world and not effect the World’s economy in any significant way.

The point I making here is that in a righteous society ordered by God we need to protect the unborn, take care of the elderly, educate the children, provide food and infrastructure for the people and give sound moral guidance to all. We need a society based on God’s law and God’s love in Jesus Christ. In God’s way society and the people can be blessed and a virtual utopia is distinctly possible.

What we are instead rapidly moving toward is a society founded in unrighteousness. Where the unborn have no rights to life. Where we contemplate euthanasia for the suffering but can’t help but surmise that this doesn’t bode well for the obsolete. Where we are discussing not having a responsibility to care for our parents on the pretext that resources are too scarce but we really just don’t want to be responsible for them. Where our young people are being misinformed about their gender and encouraged toward paganism. Where inner enlightenment is put forward as self elevation toward perceived personal Godhead.

It may seem that we are heading into an enlightened society and a coming World Government that will last for a thousand years but God will not tolerate this unrighteousness. The bible warns in the book of Daniel and the book of Revelation of judgement at the end of the age. The society we are constructing is doomed because it is based on false values. We are straying into the mistakes that the people made in the days of Noah where the every intent of the hearts of men was only to evil continually. Final judgement came then and sadly if we do not turn away from our wickedness in this time we also will experience the consequences of our sins in the form of God’s judgement once more.

So what can we do as Christians then in this difficult time. Well we need to be as Jesus to the people of this time. Rather than spewing judgement and condemnation we need to be a breath of fresh air. Helping those who have need. Bringing wise counsel to those who are struggling with the challenges of daily life. Giving the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those who are seeking true Salvation. That is, that those who believe that Jesus bore their sins on the Cross shall not perish but will inherit eternal life. John 3:16

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