Saturday, February 9, 2019

The New World Order

Once in a while politicians mention an entity called the New World Order. Actually, I believe the Presidents of the United States of America occasionally mention the New World Order. I believe both Presidents Bush mentioned it and I understand that President Obama also mentioned it once or twice.
Now the New World Order is very important to me because as a young man I read a book called Mystery 666 by Don E Stanton. If you can source it I would highly recommend you get a copy because it contains a lot of information that you won’t hear from anywhere else. This book is about the world we live in and the activities of various dark forces in their battle to conquer the world financially and militarily with the ultimate aim of reshaping it politically and spiritually into a New World Order and a New World Religion.
So the reason I am writing to you is to briefly explain that those dark forces working through the organisations that they control like the Freemasons, the Jesuits, the Bilderbergers and the Knights of Malta to name just a few of the very many organisations that they use to cover their footsteps. These people have gained control of the governments of every country in the Western World and can even exert massive influence in countries that are the enemies of the West.
These dark organisations work in secret but do not work for the benefit of you and me. Oh no. They are about garnering wealth for themselves. They are about bringing the pagan religions back from the shadows and pushing Christianity over the brink of extinction. Their intention is to drastically reduce the population of our planet which they refer to as Mother Earth to allow regeneration of the natural realm. 
Nothing wrong with that I hear you say. Christianity needs to go and nature needs some respite from mankind. True enough but if mankind would turn back to God if they would heed the Apostle Peter’s words in the Book of Acts chapter two and verse thirty eight “ Peter said to them, “Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” NASB 
If the whole world would hear those words and repent then Jesus would return immediately. He would gather us all too him and he would restore all of creation. He would install a world government based on righteousness. Everyone would be safe with him. No longer would their be war, famine, poverty or disease. All of the distortions caused by the fall of man in the beginning will be corrected and all of the animal kingdom will feed on plants. No longer will there be killing or a continual cycle of death. The Earth will be as it was in immediately after the Creation.
If you desire a New World Order then this is the New Order you should choose and the only way to choose this is by accepting Jesus Christ as your savior. By understanding that he purchased you through His redemptive work on the Cross at Calvary. That He shed his blood in your place to pay the price for your sins. So that you could believe on Him and ask Him to forgive your sins and come into your heart and life.
Reference List
All Scripture from NASB Version
Stanton Don E.(1977) Mystery 666. Maranatha Revival Crusade. Secunderbad. India

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