Monday, January 14, 2019

Atheism, Communism, Evolution and Secular Humanism = The Spirit of Antichrist...

How could this be I hear you say. Communism and secular humanism (socialism), contain so much doctrine that seems to be what Jesus was saying. This is why the socialism has drawn so many clergymen away from the fold. If they were ever in it to begin with? At first glance the idea distributing wealth across society and guaranteeing personal well being does seem to be what Jesus was talking about. But Communism has been well trialed in the last century and it does not equate to the teachings of Jesus. In fact communists have gone to great effort to purge Christians and Christianity from their society. One could say they are obsessed with the idea.
Now, the real difference between Christianity and the Communist conglomerate of Atheism, Socialism, Evolution and Humanism is that all of Communism is devoid of morality. Such that, Communists tend to believe that the Universe is filled only with matter and energy and there is no purpose for being. If then, there is no higher purpose and no God. There is no consequence of action. You can literally do what you like because there is only matter and energy in the Universe. So in the opinion of the Communist the Universe has no purpose and therefore no morality. No code of conduct. Nothing to guide or control the actions of the megalomaniac anymore than the lowly peasant. So you can literally “Do want you wilt.” Sound familiar?
Hitler although a fascist was an ardent evolutionist and insisted that we should not tolerate disabled people in our society as it violated the Darwin’s theory on natural selection. It is estimated that between 11 and 12 million non combatants were killed under Hitlers reign. Stalin based much of his philosophy on Darwinism, as well, and his purges were in effect Social Darwinism. He apparently was not interested in racial cleansing but ferreting out those who showed a propensity toward the merest amount of independent or free thinking. One can see why Christianity would cause an issue to that form of mindless tyranny. Imagine, a whole section of society focused on the fulfilling the desires of the divine most high God, Jehovah. A people who would question any command that was at odds with the will of God. Needless to say millions of free thinking people died under the Stalinist regime. Chairman Mao was a Darwinist also and once again we see a regime where anyone who questioned Mao and the Party was liable to face intense torture, persecution and death. Once again millions of free thinkers and Christians passed into oblivion in purges like the The Great Leap Forward from 1958 - 1962 which is said to have killed 45 million people. The following so called Cultural Revolution is conservatively estimated to have claimed the lives of another 1.5 million between 1966 and 1976. One concludes that if you can find away to dispense with morality then issues of conscience can easily be cast aside and any outcome, even the deaths of millions of innocent fellow humans, is justified without fanfare.
With modern technology it is possible to communicate a line of thought to an audience of billions and so it has been with Darwinism. In the past smaller populations of humanity were goaded by feudal Lords to achieve the political and religious ends of small elites guided by mystical powers. Today huge populations take more finesse to herd into even loose agreement with policies that are so often to their detriment and just as often filled with lies and deceits. But with media and education the people are so often lulled into a spirit of passivity and apathy that darkness is ever so slowly and stealthily pervading their lives and snuffing out the light of freedom.
Sin and and the absence of sound moral values are promoted as the way of the scientific world (i.e.: abortion, homosexuality). Christianity, the Bible and our God, Jehovah are characterised as the stuff of fairy tales and mysterious nonsense. The people are immersed in atheism, Darwinism and secular humanism through the media and Internet while Christians are portrayed as judgemental and backward people who are out of step with reality. It is as though mankind is asleep, unaware of the creeping death that is covertly moving to ensnare them. George Orwell’s 1984 is upon them and most don’t even want to know that the jig is almost up.
I spoke of the mystical power that has long sought to manipulate and enslave humanity. Throughout history a multitude of religions have sort to raise up and worship a host of pagan deities. In our age we rationalise these religious expressions of the past as the efforts of the less evolved to acknowledge the existence of the universe around them. A natural part of the evolution of mankind. Again manipulation of humanity to conceal those who have always followed the Gods of the esoteric religions and an attempt to conceal the real work of creation by Jehovah Elohim (the one creator God). 
Yet we see in so much of the literature, theater and media of our time attempts to describe pagan religions and their dogma and to influence the ways of thinking of humanity today. Buddhism and Hinduism give the worship of self and the need to seek fulfillment or personal development within on the journey toward perfection. They also remind us of the coming Maitreya or Christ (Antichrist). The Esoteric religions of Egypt, Greece and Rome bring us the notion of secret knowledge that only the elite may know and that each may know according to his or her point of advancement through the levels of knowledge. The worship of Lucifer (Angel of Light), and Satan (Emissary of Darkness), where those who indulge in the worship of the devil flirt with practices relating to the service of that pagan deity. Note that this concept of light versus darkness is put forward in the Star Wars movie franchise. The idea of the force and that light brings goodness in the Jedi Knights (Lucifer), but that the dark-side brings out evil with the Sith (Satan), who closely resemble those who are involved in Satanism. The Earthly reality that the two forms of worship are one as Lucifer and Satan are one being. The fallen archangel of Heaven who was indeed formerly called Lucifer and now known as Satan. 
Our society is pervaded with this esoteric knowledge and the encouragement to reject Jehovah and His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. We are bombarded with propaganda exhorting us to take on the New Age Teachings of the occult as the true source of enlightenment. Our leaders and indeed the entire elite political and religious class of our planet are, I believe, completely enmeshed in the occult New World Order system that is a reality in our day. 
Everywhere people are inundated with information that tells them self is God. Do yoga, meditate and practice mindfulness. Look inward to find that real strength of the Godliness that is within you and so forth. This is the teaching of the New Age Leaders and this is the teaching of the esoteric religions which have infiltrated the Christian Church as they infiltrated the Roman Church in the reign of the Emperor Constantine through the Council of Nicea in 325 A.D.. This is the merging of the pagan and Christian Church to become Mystery Babylon as described in the Bible in Revelation chapter seventeen. The ancient religion of Babylon now harlot drunk on the blood of the saints through oppression and persecution of the true Christian Church. The false teachings of paganism are dusted off, mixed with elements of Christianity, and presented as new spiritual light but in reality are the same teachings that Nimrod and Isis purported in ancient Babylon. These are the teachings of the occult religions through the ages that have poured forth strange light through myriad religions and secret societies in the effort to bring all the World under the domination of Satan.
Friends, the esoteric knowledge that leads you to worship self. The secular humanism which condemns the bible as intolerant and unduly judgemental because it states clearly the division between working righteousness and working evil. The world system that is about to unfold upon all of humanity living in this end time. The Darwinism and Evolution that seeks to discredit the Bible and to bring forward a new society where morality is cast aside and any action is justified because we are all just matter and energy without cause. This is all simply best described as the Spirit of Antichrist.
In fact, these are the last days of this the Age of Grace. Soon Jesus Christ will return to gather His elect from throughout the Earth. The nation of Israel is regathered in this time and the generation that saw that regathering shall not pass away but He shall have returned. So I believe time is short. The New World Order and Religion are drawing together those who have been moved by the spirit of antichrist and soon this world will tolerate the followers of Jesus Christ no longer. It remains only for the restrainer (the Holy Spirit), to be removed and the time of tribulation (war and great turmoil), will be upon us. My call to you is that you repent of your sins and are baptised for the forgiveness of sins and in order to receive the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:38
Reference List
Carter, R. 2014. Evolution’s Achilles’ Heel. Creation Book Publishers. Powder Springs. Georgia. USA
Herzog C.E. Star Wars The Truth Behind the Fiction. 15.01.19
Johnson I. Who Killed More: Hitler, Stalin, or Mao? 13.01.19
Phillips T. The Cultural Revolution: all you need to know about China's political convulsion 13.01.19

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