Sunday, December 30, 2018

Are You Saved?

I want to preach to you briefly from the book of Romans. Firstly Romans chapter 3 and verse 10 says “There is none righteous, not even one...” So if I ask you are you righteous what would you say to me? In truth if you are already a Christian you probably already know that your righteousness is as filthy rags before the Lord (Isaiah 66:6 NKJV). So what can we say then. How about you can’t save yourself so you must get your righteousness from Jesus Christ.
Romans chapter 3 verse 23 says “...for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” So you are not righteous and you have sinned and fall short of God’s glory. Sin separates you from God and unless you jolly well sort it out you are going to die in your sins in eternal fire separated from God.
Romans chapter 6 verse 24 says “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” The wages of our sin is death but the free gift of God is eternal life in his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ who bore our sins on the Cross and paid the sin debt that we owe in our place. Yes God took your place and was judged instead of you and me that if we believe on Jesus Christ our Savior we have eternal life. Our sins forgiven.
My friend II Peter chapter 3 verse 9 says “The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.” Know that God has made preparation before you were born that if you choose Jesus Christ as your savior then your sins are forgiven and your salvation is assured. Jehovah loves you and is not willing for you to perish in your sins. If you are not saved then it is time to get down on your knees and seek the Father to forgive your sins in Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son and to ask him come into your heart in the person of the Holy Spirit of God. If you have faith then he will do this for you
God bless you my friends.
Reference List
All scriptures from From either the NKJV and NASB Versions of the Bible.

Monday, December 24, 2018

A Festival of Sin

We live in a time when it is almost illegal to point out biblical sin. Idolatry, Cursing the name of God, Keeping the day of worship, Respect and obey your parents and elders, Do not kill (In any way including Abortion), Do Not commit adultery (Almost laughable today because so many fail to even marry.), Do not steal (Our Police don’t have time to even police theft now.), Do not lie (You only need to look at politics to see that today the crime is not to lie but to get caught lying.), Do not covet your neighbour's goods (In this Godless society what don’t we covet?) None of these commandments are considered relevant anymore and Christians are considered to be and intolerant nuisance. In the secular world if Christians stick their necks out by bringing the truth of the Word of God to bare on wickedness of the people then they will be persecuted through prosecution.
The Ten Commandments of Exodus chapter twenty state:

The Ten Commandments

  1. You shall have no other Gods but me.
  2. You shall not make for yourself any idol, nor bow down to it or worship it.
  3. You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God.
  4. You shall remember and keep the Sabbath day holy.
  5. Respect your father and mother.
  6. You must not commit murder.
  7. You must not commit adultery.
  8. You must not steal.
  9. You must not give false evidence against your neighbour.
  10. You must not be envious of your neighbour's goods. You shall not be envious of his house nor his wife, nor anything that belongs to your neighbour.
The Ten Commandments above are a foundation to the laws that our Western Societies are founded on. Non God fearing folk want to ignore these laws and to have what they call a more tolerant and open society. A place where everyone has the freedom to do as they please as long as it doesn’t interfere with anyone else. What they don’t realise is that you can only have that freedom if God’s laws underpin your society. The world they are living in is a hybrid of Good and Evil. Once the law is completely removed and replaced by evil that freedom no longer exists. Then they will find themselves in the a Dark and Satanic Kingdom where their only right is complete obedience to their the devil. A world of complete lawlessness and utter tyranny. A place where horror is routine and hatred, malice and contempt are the fruit of the spirit of evil. A place best described in the book of Genesis as Sodom and Gomorrah epitomised by the actions of Ahab (King of Israel), and his infamous wife Jezebel in the book of Kings in the service of Baal.
You can’t have a society without moral values and have freedom. You can have a hybrid society of good and evil but eventually the people either repent and follow God or, continue in sin and end up facing the judgement of God. Most people in their right minds don’t want to live in an evil and unsafe society like Sodom and Gomorrah. These people were so evil that the men of the city wanted, one of their citizens, Lot to give them the Angels that came to take him out of the way of God’s judgement. This so that they could have carnal knowledge of them. The Angels smote them with blindness and even that didn’t stop them trying to find a way into Lot’s house to have their way with them. Lets face it, the world we live in kills unborn innocent babies by using the most barbaric methods and no one raises an eyebrow. How different is our society from that of Sodom and Gomorrah? How far are we from the point at which God decides to judge this society. You can read in Genesis chapter nineteen what happened to the cities of the Dead Sea Plain.
The Greek philosopher Plato described the various types of government which unfold in a kind of perpetual cycle over time. In his opinion first came Aristocracy or the rule of a King. Secondly followed Timocracy or the rule of benevolent or often more accurately a benign military rule. This is followed, thirdly, in Plato’s opinion by Oligarchy which is rule by wealth and land holding or the Free Market. The final, or fourth type of legitimate government is Democracy or rule by liberty and equality where the people vote to make laws and choose representatives. Aristotle called this the rule by many or the free citizenry. Plato believed this cycle of government always lead ultimately to to tyranny or “Rule by fear, without just laws; like a despot.” Plato also believed that a perfect Republic contained a blend of all of these types of government and the ultimate goal was to create a government that avoided Tyranny for as long as possible and at all costs.
We see the tension between the types of government that Plato considered played out in real life in the Roman Empire. Rome had it all: Aristocracy, Timocracy, Oligarchy and Democracy in various configurations through the seven hundred years of the Empire. The Romans employed all of Plato and Aristotle’s collective wisdom to save Western Civilisation as the Empire began to decline and fall. Changing to Christianity as the state religion and incorporating the pagan elements in that new hybrid religious Church State. Attempting to ensure that a scaffold was put in place to sustain unity of government in Europe and to halt the decline into anarchy and eventual tyranny by making certain that enough of the key structures of government survived the transition from Empire to Church State.
Probably the closest governments to Plato and Aristotle’s model of blended government have been the British Empire and in the current United States of America. The British Empire was far from perfect but God allowed righteousness to prosper in the British people and the Christian Church that other type of Government resulted from the freedom to share the gospel of Jesus Christ during the Empire’s period of influence. America has been an interesting blend of righteousness balanced against the wickedness. I don’t know if Plato and Aristotle counted the influence that the one true creator God could have on the government of a nation. Anymore than they factored in the negative influence of Satan and his forces of darkness. The United States as we see it right now is the principal actor to usher in the New World Order. The New World Order will enact Plato’s worst fears. A sustained period of Tyranny and Lawlessness.
I doubt that many people realise that God represents all that is good in the universe. He embodies love, light and righteousness. In our world he is the champion of the lost, the embattled and the disenfranchised. He loved mankind so much that he came to us as the Son of Man, Jesus Christ, that he might redeem us from our sins and that we might have eternal life. So that we might live in glory with God fulfilling the destiny that God has had for us since the day he created Adam and Eve. His purpose is to demonstrate the righteousness is the only wise and true form of government and that there is no greater act of love than when a God lays down his own life as a human being to provide a path back to a restored relationship with Jehovah Elohim through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Satan was once a great and glorious ArchAngel. Probably the most powerful being in the Universe next to God himself. He was perfect until sin was found in him. He embodies hatred and unrighteousness. He rules through tyranny and gives no quarter to anyone or anything. His hatred of God is such that he deliberately subverted the work of creation here on Earth and usurped the place of man becoming the Prince of this World. Most of the people in his service don’t truly understand Satan or his plans for mankind and the Earth. Part of his revenge against God for casting him from heaven will be the total annihilation of mankind from the face of the Earth and the destruction of every aspect of God’s perfect creation. Those who worship him in his various guises are simply and completely deceived. He is a master liar and is the Prince of Deception. Loyalty is not in his nature and he will casually reward a lifetime of service with a knife in the back. Those who are valuable to him are only valuable for their skills in the pursuit of wickedness. Beyond that he has no sentimentality or attachment to his tools. Serve him and die or fail him and die. It matters not to the devil. Tyranny is his only aim, that and to take the place of Jehovah God on the throne in heaven. His greatest motivation is to oppose and if possible to destroy people’s faith in God so that they are eternally separated from God. If he could he would destroy God and all of the Creation and then to supplant himself on the throne of God. Ultimately he is doomed and Satan and all of those who follow him will be thrown into the Lake of Fire in the day of judgement.
In the end The Festival of Sin that so many describe in an almost euphoric way as “Wicked Man” will have been seen to be only possible if there is a semblance of a moral framework underpinning it. Once that is completely eroded by tyranny and wickedness there is no freedom and so no seemingly enjoyable “Festival of Sin.” The devil and his throng will have seen to have failed to produce a substantial case for his model for the universe based on evil and those who have watched for so long will understand that Jehovah’s way of righteousness is only viable system of rule for the universe.
THEREFORE MY FRIENDS. Come to Jesus Christ in repentance so that you may truly say as the apostle Paul did in the book of Galatians chapter two: “It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me...”
Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.

Reference List
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Ancient Political Philosophy. First published Mon Sep 6, 2010; substantive revision Fri Dec 7, 2018. 22.12.18
Michelle T. Plato’s Five Regimes: Understanding The Classical Forms of Government as Presented By Plato. 22.12.18
What are the Ten Commandments. Topmarks. 15.12.18

Monday, December 10, 2018

The Nineteenth Century: English Revised Version Bible

The Nineteenth Century (1800 -1899), was a busy time for Christians and the Antichrist movement alike. In America an event happened in the early part of the century called the Great Awakening where millions heard the gospel of Jesus Christ preached and were converted. In 1844 there was an event called the Great Disappointment which happened because a pastor called William Miller didn’t believe Jesus Christ when he said in scripture “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only...” Matthew 24:36. He made several predictions on the date of the Second Coming of Jesus and after being thoroughly humbled he repented of his error. Unfortunately he had in the process of his folly started a movement which became known as the Adventists. Out of that movement came the Seventh Day Adventist Church and the Jehovah’s Witness Cult.

As I mentioned the Antichrist movement was also very active at the time as well. Ellen White of Seventh Day Adventist note is often described as being from an esoteric background and as a result the Church that she founded (SDA), has a number of false teachings and doctrines, such as, the Investigative Judgement and Soul Sleep. During this period Joseph Smith was busy meeting with angels and finding golden plates and so was born the Mormon Church of the Latter Day Saints. I think it is fair to say that the nineteenth century was a time of great growth amongst the Christian Church and significant progress in the Mystery of Iniquity.
One such work was a Romish attack on the 1611 King James Version of the Bible through a revision that occurred in the 1880’s. This is the only official revision of the King James Bible ever undertaken. There were a number updates to word spelling and printing errors by the publishers at Cambridge (1762) and Oxford (1769) and many subsequent word updates which made the KJV more current to the language of the day. I will add that I am not approaching this topic from a KJV only point of view. I firmly believe that if we were to be given a 1611 King James Version bible that we would not be able to interact with it from a meaningful perspective. The language was far more shakespearean in nature and simply wouldn’t convey a lot of meaning and, therefore light on the Christian narrative four hundred years on.
On this theme I would like to focus on the revision of the 1611 King James Version culminating in the 1881 English Revised New Testament and the 1885 English Revised Old Testament and subsequently the English Revised Version of the Bible (1881-1895). Two well known theologians, Brooke Westcott and Fenton Hort, were involved in the bible translation side of the project and represented the more esoteric or, dare we say papist concerns. To be fair there was a substantial process put in place under the Convocation of Canterbury and many fine churchmen, scholars and theologians worked together to produce an elegant, modern, clean reading bible with efficient reference tools that still stands up well even today.
However, when compared on verse by verse basis with the King James Bible it becomes apparent that there may have been certain agenda’s enacted in the text of the English Revised Bible. Which has been used as the template for virtually all of the modern translations of the last one hundred years. Many modern translations are identical in most texts on an almost word for word basis. It appears there has been considerable work done to alter the way the deity of Jesus Christ is portrayed. Certain verses have been left out that either impact the deity of Christ or effect the accuracy and validity of the bible. For instance where a New Testament scripture directly quotes from the Old Testament there are a number of instances of the New Testament verse being removed. References to the blood of Jesus have in some cases been removed. There also appears to have been an attempt to shift the emphasis of salvation from the redemptive work of Jesus Christ on the Cross toward a somewhat more works based model involving the Church and the clergy. If I were to describe the process that has taken place then I would say that the scholars involved with this translation have optimised the bible for a more Catholic and Esoteric audience.
Here are a few verses to highlight some of the strategies used to achieve various agendas. Here I will compare the American Standard Version which is essentially the same Bible version as the English Revised Version.
II Samuel 21:19 “And there was again war with the Philistines at Gob; and Elhanan the son of Jaareoregim the Beth-lehemite slew Goliath the Gittite, the staff of whose spear was like a weaver's beam.” ASV
II Samuel 21:19 KJV “And there was again a battle in Gob with the Philistines, where Elhanan the son of Jaareoregim, a Bethlehemite, slew the brother of Goliath the Gittite, the staff of whose spear was like a weaver's beam.”
As you can see there is a difference between the two versions as to who slew Goliath. The confusion comes from a scribal error over a word which means bread but with an extra letter means brother. The translators of the KJV were concerned for the accuracy of the record and assumed the word to be brother. The translators of the ASV were concerned for the accuracy of the translation and omitted the word. This means that they are saying that the record of David slaying Goliath is put under some doubt because here it says that Jaaraoregim slew him. It raises the question can we believe the Bible? It gives the Papists the opportunity to say “You see how inaccurate the bible is, how can you know if it is accurate about who Jesus Christs is?” “Come to us, our Pope and his Church can save you.”
Matthew 5:44 “..but I say unto you, love your enemies, and pray for them that persecute you..” ASV
Matthew 5:44But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you...” KJV
As you can see in Matthew 5:44 above “do good to them that hate you..” and “..which despitefully use you, and..” have been removed and it completely changes what is being said here. You could say less is more but it really isn’t if it weakens the narrative.
Matthew 20:16 “So the last shall be first, and the first last.” ASV
Matthew 20:16 “So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen.” KJV
Once again an essential part of the verse is omitted. “.. for many be called, but few chosen.” KJV Few being chosen conveys that a person might not be saved. From a Catholic perspective the Church can and will save everyone so a bible which omits some of the exclusivity of God calling man but few men being chosen works well with the Papist dogma. So hence the change. It had to go.
Matthew 25:13 Watch therefore, for ye know not the day nor the hour. ASV
Matthew 25:13 Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh. KJV
Fairly obvious the issue here. The subject has been deleted i.e.: What are ye watching for? The hour... wherein the Son of man cometh. Why has this been deleted? Because the papists are not looking for the return of Jesus Christ in glory and neither are the esoteric supposedly enlightened ones.
Matthew 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no one, not even the angels of heaven, neither the Son, but the Father only. ASV
Matthew 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. KJV
Here the ASV adds two words “the Son” and it makes a big difference because it is saying that Jesus doesn’t know the day of his return. Note that this in not in the KJV. Those two words are not in the KJV. Why? Well if Jesus and the Father are one as Jesus stated in John 10:30 I and my Father are one. If Jesus and the Father are one then wouldn’t he know the hour of his coming? So to add those two words in Matthew 24:36 implies that Jesus and the father are not one. It is a direct attack on the deity of Jesus Christ.
Mark 6:11 And whatsoever place shall not receive you, and they hear you not, as ye go forth thence, shake off the dust that is under your feet for a testimony unto them... ASV
Mark 6:11 And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear you, when ye depart thence, shake off the dust under your feet for a testimony against them. Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgement, than for that city. KJV
What happened to Sodom and Gomorrah? If you had problem with things of that nature in your church wouldn’t such a saying be offensive to you? Perhaps you could just edit it out and it wouldn’t be a problem anymore?
1 Peter 1:22 Seeing ye have purified your souls in your obedience to the truth unto unfeigned love of the brethren, love one another from the heart fervently:...ASV
1 Peter 1:22 Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently:... KJV
So your obedience to the truth rather than obeying the truth through the Spirit. In other words salvation by your works rather than saved by grace in faith alone. We can do nothing to redeem ourselves or even to obey the truth except through faith in Jesus Christ’s redemptive work on the Cross, through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit revealing the nature of Jesus in us but, that is not what this verse is implying in the modern translations.
So to conclude. At the head of this article is a picture of some of the verses you might like to check out for yourself. You can use the parallel bible feature of the Bible Hub website to compare multiple versions at one time. Acts chapter 17 verse 11 tells of the Bereans who studied the scriptures to see if what Paul had told them was true. Acts 17:11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so. So my friends I admonish you to study to show yourself approved by reading the bible regardless of translation to increase your knowledge of the Almighty God and his ways.
One of the translators of the English Revised Translation Brooke Foss Westcott, of infamous Westcott and Hort notoriety, had this to say about the New Testament revision process at the time (circa 1885). “Difficulties and differences of opinion necessarily arise in determining the relative claims of faithfulness and elegance of idiom when they come into conflict. But the example of the Authorised Version seems to show that it is better to incur the charge of harshness, than to sacrifice a peculiarity of language, which, if it does nothing else, arrests attention, and reminds the reader that there is something in the words which is held to be more precious than the music of a familiar rhythm. The Bible, indeed, has most happily enriched our language with many turns of Hebrew idiom, and I believe that the Revision of the New Testament does not contain anything unusual either in expression or in order which is not justified by the Old Version.”
As I mentioned earlier the ERV and the ASV are elegant, modern, clean reading bibles with efficient reference tools that still stand up well even today. The point here is the deliberate weakening of the scripture in these two bibles and it’s continuation in subsequent bible translations up to date. The optimization of these bible’s to accommodate a Romish and Esoteric world view by changing scriptures and deleting texts to affect a more general interpretation in doctrine. Even so I am not recommending anyone stop using the translation that they are currently using. I am all too aware of the damage to faith caused by unhelpful disputes over scripture and doctrine. What I would suggest is that believers use a number of translations including the KJV and ASV to broaden their knowledge of the themes and doctrines of the Word of God. Find out what the scriptures relating to the blood of Jesus are and what they mean to our salvation. Search as the Bereans did and understand the credentials of Jesus Christ and his deity as the Lord of Lords and King of Kings, Immanuel who is God with us. Seek to understand all of scripture to apply it to your faith and enhance your witness of the gospel.
Blessings to you all in Jesus Christ, our glorious Lord and Savior.
Bruce Gibbs
Reference List
Brooke Foss Westcott, Some Lessons of the Revised Version of the New Testament (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1898), pp. 4-7.
English Revised Version (1881-1895) 09.12.18
Norris R. 2014. Todays KJV and 1611 Compared and More. Unbound Scripture Publications.
Veith W. Changing the Word/ Total Onslaught. 09.12.18

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Technology Transformation

Our nations classrooms are being transformed by technology as our children are consumed by the mobile revolution. Games, social media and the growing connectedness experienced by i-Gen are making traditional learning settings irrelevant. Living in fantasy or mixture of reality with the digital world is more important to many i-Gen than living a real life that requires concentrated effort and self discipline. 
As a result significant numbers of students at high school are literally dropping out of school because they are seeing the current learning environment as no longer worth their time. In many instances they know that their chances of getting a job are slim at best even if they get their 80 credits by the end of year twelve. So why bother appears to be their thinking. Why not just stop going to school? After all the teacher’s just give them grief about the work they haven’t done all the time. Who needs that?
Schools are lagging far behind i-Gen in this environment. I don’t think they realise what the implications of these symptoms are. They realise that through digital technology they have lost control of student learning but think that by retrenching and placing restrictions on the use of cell phones that they will reverse the situation. They underestimate how embedded the students have become in this technology. The students would sooner continue with their digital synthesis of life than continue with their frustrating school life. At some point i-Gen will simply revolt and demand a more relevant system of learning that embraces their current saturated information holistic digital reality.
Digital technology is about to take a quantum leap in capability. Powers beyond government level are guiding this process and the next generation of cell phone technology will be based around microchips with an ability to link humanity in a way simply not possible using a cell phone or personal computer. Because i-Gen live a large part of their life in the digital domain as the technology becomes more sophisticated they will begin to be connected together in a virtual shared reality. It will become possible to establish a link between the brain and computers, alter behavior, restore sight, medicate people and enable a permanent link with the world system at a personal and global level. They will interface at a mental level sharing thought with each other. 
Imagine how this could revolutionise systems like the Chinese Sky Net population monitoring system. It would give the state access to your very thoughts. The concepts of pre-crime and thought control would become a reality enabling the state to arrest criminals as they think of the crime and incorporating software in the microchips capable of deleting and rewriting thought - mind control. This is not a far fetched prophecy from the distant future. There are companies working with this technology and the science is well developed.
The likely impacts on i-Gen are going to be profound as they move from hand held digital reality synthesis to virtual reality within the confines of their own minds. The ability to think and feel with a virtual community. The ability for the community to assert moral precepts on the individual in much the same way as a hive mind. Anyone familiar with the Borg on the series Star Trek The Next Generation would understand what I am intimating here. I believe that cell phone technology has been used to induce humanity to accept technology as benign and if anything beneficial. I think the uptake of the next generation of that technology will be immediate.
Christians have postulated the idea of a rapture of the Church in the end times of the Church Age. I must admit to having been very dubious about the idea of God removing the Church to spare them in the time of trouble. I have to say though that with the advent of the microchip biotech and the likely assimilation and control of every human that receives the technology. It seems to me that no one who receives this technology could function independently of the 666 system described in the book of Revelation. It may well be that the Rapture would be the only way that God could preserve the saved status of the bride of Christ - The Bible Believing Christian Church.
AS to i-Gen? I think that schools will have to change rapidly to accommodate the digitally enhanced reality of their students and even then there will be those so addicted to their digital devices and the instant gratification now available to them. Many will quit school and begin their fulfilling digital lifestyles. This combined with the growing influence of the gang culture and new and more addictive games will doubtless lead to increasing social disorder and lawlessness. Again bible prophecy has pointed the way to this happening in these last days of the Age of Grace. Now as it happens.
Reference List
BioHax International. 02.12.2018

Standing Fast for Jesus

  We had a thought provoking sermon at Church this morning. It was about the apostle Peter and his denial of ever having known Jesus. You ...