Saturday, September 15, 2018

Prioritising: The freedom to think and do...

I’m a relief teacher at high school. Occasionally I encounter a youngster that gets a bit abusive toward me. I can get a bit angry and give a bit back but in the back of my mind is often the thought that I come from a house with food in the cupboard and my car has fuel in the tank. It is not infrequently the case that these young people don’t have much wealth in their lives. Which tempers my attitude.

I love to think and write about Creation and our arch enemy Darwinism. I have my pet subjects End Times Prophecy and the work of the Catholic Church against Protestantism. I love to preach scripture relating to the life of Jesus Christ and Salvation but I often forget to mention how blessed I am that I have more than enough wealth to get by and I have a beautiful family that gives me great joy. That I have a wonderful father in heaven who gives me the best of lives and the sound understanding that I am saved and will be raised to immortality by Jesus Christ in the fullness of his timing.
I was looking for information about the dubious science of the big bang the other day. I came across an article which spoke of a group of scientists who visited the Creation Museum. They went there as a bit of a lark but were so moved by what they saw that they were apparently brought to tears that their precious evolution could be so distorted by the Creationists. 1. Crocodile tears? Quite probably. Now they know how we Creationists feel all the time when see the antediluvian fossil layer interpreted as billions of years of evolution and death. First World Problems? Definitely.
My point here is that this freedom to think is only possible in this society where we have full cupboards and reliable transport. Where we have the time to worry about things that wouldn’t rate a mention in the poorer parts of our society much less in third world countries where there is little food, where there is sickness and disease and abject poverty. Priorities change when even the basics are often unattainable. When seeing our children grow up is not a given. When the length of a life is pitifully short. When countless millions of people are cast aside by the rich elites of distant countries and their corporations. Where war can sweep away all that we know, cherish and love.
When I think of how much freedom I have, I can’t help but feel more than a little ashamed when I think of those beautiful youngsters that I relief teach. When I watch documentaries about the work of missionaries amongst the needy in countries overseas. When I read of the persecution of the Christian Church in many countries around the world. In my life to date such things have not held a high priority and I hate to say it but I haven’t done much for even the poor in my own city. I feel my priorities need a timely rejig.
What about you my friends. Do you realise the freedom that you have in this wonderful country of New Zealand today. You know I think that we may be on the verge of losing that wonderful freedom. Things are changing rapidly. We have many new people settling in our land and this will bring a change to our culture and to our political landscape. In a few short decades I perceive that this beautiful country will be a very different place. It is worth considering that we are a part of the Oceania region and that region is destined to be ultimately Asian. 
Admittedly, this truth brings opportunity. It gives the Lord Jehovah a new field in which to sew the gospel but there will also be challenges and one of those may be less freedom to share our faith. We may yet begin to value our freedom more keenly as we feel the wrath of persecution that often comes when a nation turns its back on God. This to a large extent is where we find ourselves as we approach the third decade of the twenty first century. New Zealand is on the verge of falling back into paganism. To avoid this the people of this land need to turn back to Jehovah and his only son, Jesus Christ, before it is too late.
II Chronicles 7:13 If I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among My people, 14 and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 
This scripture relates specifically to the nation of Israel but I believe that the truth it contains can be applied to other lands who come under judgement from the Most High. If New Zealand can be brought to a place where she will humble herself and pray and seek the face of God. Then he will hear her voice and forgive her sins and bring healing to the land. But I wonder if we will need to come under intense persecution to bring this situation about.
Jesus said in John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me. And In John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. If you have not made a decision for Jesus Christ yet please ask him to forgive your sins and to come into your life today.
If you are already saved. Is it time for you, as it is for me, to reconsider your priorities and to put the poor and the needy ahead of our first world issues. There is much to be done and much we can do to help others. Perhaps for the believer it is a matter of listening to the quiet voice of the Holy Spirit in the depth of our hearts.
Reference List
All scriptures are taken from the NASB version of the bible and sourced from Bible Gateway
  1. 15.09.18 Paleontologists brought to tears, laughter by Creation Museum

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