Sunday, September 2, 2018

A Question of Stance

We live in a world where politics is key. Are you left wing or right? Are you capitalist or communist? Of course we really care about this. It is as I said key. But is it really as important as we are conditioned to believe? Lets look a little closer at this topic and see if we can shed a little light.
What I’m asking here is our stance really going to influence the status quo? I have had friends who have swapped their political allegiance rather quickly after a change of fortune. They were strong left wing socialists who were all about improving the lot of the working class. Then due to a windfall and change of circumstance became strong right wing capitalists.
It is seemingly possible to move between the systems of government as well. In the old Soviet Union many senior Communist Party members were able to retain their power by aligning themselves with the new corporate elite that rose into power in Russia after the decline of communism in the late nineteen eighties. 
So if the elite are always the elite regardless of which system is being used and the top civil servants stay in place regardless of whether the political left or right are in government. Does it actually make and difference to outcomes for the general population which power block they vote with.
Obviously my question is framed around whether we have any influence on politics at all or has the idea of democracy been circumvented by the clever analysis from the elite. Such that the people think they have some control over their destiny but in actual fact they have none. So that the same people decide what happens regardless of the outcomes of elections. 
What I’m wondering as a Christian is are we better to simply abstain from politics and focus on getting the gospel out there. If you can change the heart of the nation you stand a better chance of influencing the direction of society. A nation that prays to Jehovah and his only Son, Yeshua, is a nation that sees the influence of the Holy Spirit. 
We can achieve much more if we serve the living God. SO, to me it all boils down to John 3:16 “For God so love the world (You), that he gave his only Son, Jesus Christ (Yeshua), that whoever believes on Him will have eternal life.
Reference List 02/09/18 Elites in Post Communist Russia: A Changing of the Guard? 02/09/18 Assessing ‘Good Governance’ and Corruption in New Zealand: ‘Scientific’ Measurement, Political Discourse, and Historical Narrative Robert Gregory

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