Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Understanding Unbelief...

Quite often Christians take a round swing at unbelievers usually condemning them for not believing in God or not believing in sin or, not believing in a literal hell. Really it’s not that surprising that unbelievers don’t believe in God because they are taught evolution and humanism. 
Evolution is brought by the priests of science and tells them everything just happened so there is no creator. Humanism is taught by atheists and tells them we’re all just people living our lives so there is no sin to be accounted for to a creator who doesn’t exist. Most people are happy to not have to think about weighty issues like life after death anyway. 
The sad thing about Christians getting all judgmental is that it does a lot of damage to unbelievers and usually turns them away from God and quite often can’t be redressed. I mean ask your self would you be more inclined to come to Christ if the person leading you is a kind and gentle soul or an arrogant sarcastic person?
My point here is, that we need to trust in God to work the miracle that will win an unbeliever to him. Just share a verse or two and talk about your faith and Jesus work in your life. Let the Lord do the heavy lifting. Be a breath of fresh air not a prophet of doom.

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