Saturday, October 21, 2023

The Last Days Coming to a Place Near You.

Back a while in December 2016 the Prime Minister of New Zealand resigned for no apparent reason. Prior to that in 2015 the United Nations called a summit to evaluate the lack of progress with Agenda 21. At which it was decided to alter the date to a more realistic 2030 but to make sure that date was adhered too.

In 2017 the Labour Party won the election in New Zealand. After that sanity took a permanent holiday and the secular agenda went into overdrive. Gay folks began to proliferate in politics, in the news media and throughout society in positions of authority and as role models to us all.

Critical Race Theory began to proliferate in public and private organisations and even conservative religious ones. Not only was it visible. It was now treated as if it came with a scientific evidence based pedigree. Surely the best kind that it could ever be based on. It doesn’t have any kind of scientific credibility of course as it is just a perverted secular philosophy aimed to tear at the foundations of Christian values. Which it is doing quite effectively as society turns its back on God.

There was more talk about vaccination than usual and then out of no where came the Christchurch massacre in March of 2019. Of course this was not contrived by the leftists to conveniently allow the government to address gun ownership. Only a conspiracy theorist would entertain such ideas. It seemed that things were never going to settle down for very long from now on. Toward the end of 2019 the dreaded measles epidemic happened to folks in New York, Auckland and Manu Samoa. It seemed more like Small Pox in Samoa and there were a number of fatalities. The Vaccination thing was back on top.

In December of 2023 there was a rumour of a new Corona Virus outbreak in Shanghai China. By February of 2020 it was running rampant around the globe and by March. You guessed it. Covid was here in New Zealand and lockdowns, vaccinations, mandates and all of the accompanying paranoia were to be found in plenty for the next two and a half years. Along with long Covid and vaccine reactions of course.

By February 2023 there was little excitement to be had in New Zealand politics for a new political celebrity like Jacinda Ardern. The glitz and glamour had worn off for her and the voters and quite a few social media nasties were threatening her with mayhem. So she decided to dump her beloved Labour Party and to step away from politics.

In the background to all of this has been the continuing immigration crisis and the emerging homeless poor. This isn’t a recent thing as it was going on during the Key and Clark governments. The population was lifted from three to four million and then four to five and the economy was run on austerity to reduce the debt level. At the same time the impact of the resource management act and the rise in housing prices combined to slow the building of new homes and push house ownership into the province of the wealthy. Thus people began to live in cars and sleep on the streets. In 2020 Jacinda Ardern, bless her heart, decided to house the homeless in hotels which was a great idea although housing them all in Rotorua turned out to be problematic. This situation also begged a question the went something like this. When does a person cease to have value in the eyes of the state? Another question is “What will the state do to valueless persons when it makes a final decision about it?”

Then there’s Climate Change, the global rivers and rivers of fire. Some believe Climate Change is man mad and it may well be. Either as a consequence of man abusing the environment or the use of super weapons to manipulate the weather, or the result of centuries of accumulated emissions changing the atmospheric balance. Or, what seems more likely to me that these are the last days of this age. Yahweh Elohim is sending climate change on the Earth to wake man up to his sin and prepare him for the judgment to come.

Something else that seemed innocuous enough was the end of annexation or war against Afghanistan in August 2021. It seemed as if Mr Trump said “It’s over be seeing you.” The NATO forces pulled out and the Taliban took over in a matter of days. Allowing national starvation and genocide for those who had helped the West. The media seemed to play the issues down. Oh, some journos made a fuss in a small way but overall it was not covered as well as it should have been and the people of Afghanistan were abandoned. It has always seemed to me that this event was much more significant than it has appeared to be. There was something there that we all missed like “Why was Trump so determined to leave Afghanistan to its fate?”

Next came the return of the Right to fame, fortune and power. Some of the Seventh Day Adventist commentators have noted that the Right Wing of Politics has begun to come back to power across the Western World. This was particularly evident in the Ukraine where the right gained control of the government and were identified by Moscow as a threat to the Baltic fleet and Russia’s general security interests. In that regard Moscow considered the Ukraine which had been in the former Soviet Block to be still their property and found the Right Wing and Western interference to be a complete affront to their national pride. The West and NATO made no attempt to reconcile the situation and that led to the outbreak of war in February 2022. It has subsequently led to the death of 190 thousand troops and thousands of civilians and untold thousands more heinously injured in less than two years.

Across Europe the Far Right have begun to reassert themselves. They are in power in Finland, in a Coalition in Sweden and are ahead in the polls in Austria a year out from the elections. They have made significant gains in Germany and have won seats parliament in the recent elections in Greece, Of course we have a National party win in this years general election in New Zealand but they are center right not far right. What I believe we are seeing here is a swing toward a similar political landscape in Europe to years before the Second World War. Could this be part of the run in to World War Three?

Finally, I want to touch on biblical prophecy as it relates to Russia-Magog and Israel’s new war over Gaza. We see in the news of the last week the uproar across the Middle East that the attack against Israel and the subsequent retaliation against the people of Gaza and Hamas has caused. We read in the Bible, in the book of Ezekiel chapter 38 & 39, of a huge invasion force that rises against Israel from the North, captained by a king called Gog, which is vanquished by Yahweh Elohim with fire from heaven. Revelation 9 speaks of the 4 Angels of the Euphrates and an army of 200 million which attack and kill a third of mankind. These two prophecies may be related and happen in the times in which we live. If that is so I wonder if the events which we are witnessing now are the hooks being drawn into the jaws of Gog and his people Magog and those nations that accompany him to battle and to die on the hills of Israel. I could imagine Vladimir Putin riding at the front of his army on the highlands of Israel. Such is his vanity.

In conclusion, I would just say that we live in perilous times. It is important that Christians be fervently prayerful, repentant and close to God, fasting daily and walking in the Spirit while taking up the full armour of God. Those who do not know the Lord need to seek Him while He may be found in the earnest knowledge that if they believe on the name of Jesus they can be saved and their sins forgiven. Come Lord Jesus.

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The Rapture

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