Saturday, July 30, 2022

Christians and Secularism

Secularism in the Socialist Society is founded on a rights based discourse. Groups within society compete for a position within the secular framework. Advocates of feminism, gay rights, race relations, abortion, euthanasia, Islam and a plethora of other groups including Christianity battle against each other for a share of the governments attention and the media limelight.

When the government focuses on socialist dogma then they begin the work of social engineering using the media to control the dominant discourse. Over time they begin to make progress and here in New Zealand we can now clearly see how over the last decades societal attitudes have indeed changed drastically. From a nominally Christian society in 1970 we are now becoming a strongly pagan society.

The incredible thing is that most people don't realise that women's rights, homosexuality and abortion are all strongly connected to the naturalistic religions like Baal worship, the worship of Diana of Ephesus and the worship of the pantheon in general. In fact, most people would not identify with pagan worship at all preferring to hold to some version of atheism. All the while they are being gradually duped into paganism by stealth.

Christianity is sadly not immune to this process of social engineering with liberal Christianity delving deeply into Buddhism and Yoga and even the Martial Arts. Conservative Christianity is adopting the rights based dialogue and complaining about the moral decline of society in general while demanding that their rights be respected.

Of course, the media is the perfect tool to portray Conservatives as bigots who are intolerant of other people in society. Science of course is the perfect scourge to beat Conservatives with saying the Gay folk can't help but be gay as that's how they are wired. Women need abortions for their mental health and so on. Fundamentalist Christians are just backward folks with a negative mindset. I've heard that there is research which even backs that argument which says conservatives have a mental mindset that predisposes them genetically to be negative and intolerant. This would tie into the New Age mantra that there is going to be a great jump forward which will leave the backward people who are mentally unprepared for next evolutionary leap behind.

So what should Christians do in the face of a changing reality? The Church is not as numerous as it was and society is now almost post secular as it becomes more and more pagan in nature. A world where from a Christian perspective the pervasive attitude is rapidly becoming the embodiment of Isaiah chapter 5 verse 20. "Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!" From <> NASB

I think that Christians should take a watching brief as many of the prophets of the Old Testament did. Though rather than whine about our downtrodden rights and the wickedness of the wicked. I think we focus on being salt and light in the rapidly falling darkness. We be Christians and shine like a bright light on the horizon. We walk the righteousness of God and the love, joy and peace of the Holy Spirit. We share our Christ centred wisdom but not our self-centred condemnation.

We focus on the Great Commission. Matthew chapter 28 verses 18 to 20 "And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to follow all that I commanded you; and behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” From <> NASB

We follow the example of John Wesley and George Whitfield and ignore the sin of a fallen British nation given over to alcoholism and social evils of much the same ilk as we find our world descending into right now. As they did we kneel before a willing Saviour and Lord, Yahweh Elohim, and take every step to share the gospel with all and sundry, all that will hear, in the certain hope that God will prevail. Our nation can be redeemed.

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