Tuesday, April 5, 2022

The Ukraine Crisis

In this age of Internet and Conspiracy Theory it is hard to know the truth of the news we receive. When we look at the Ukraine Invasion Crisis. Questions arise like:

 Is Russia incompetent?


Is Mr. Putin incompetent?


Why is Russia attacking free Ukraine?


How can this be happening modern Europe?


Why didn't the E.U. admit the Ukraine a long time ago.


The answers go:


No I don't think Russia is incompetent.


No I don't think Mr. Putin is incompetent.


They're attacking the Ukraine because ideally Russia want buffer zone between Russian and Europe that they can  control.


Europe and the West are playing snakes and ladders at a political level to either weaken Russia or eventually replace Putin and the Oligarchs with a more sympathetic government.


There are a number of reasons why the E.U., didn't admit the Ukraine. Economic reasons mostly but Ukraine is an awfully tempting pain in Putin's side so was probably being used to draw Russia into a conflict which will eventually achieve the aims of the West.


So what were Russia attempting to gain by invading the Ukraine? I think ultimately Putin knew he couldn't hope to invade and hold the Ukraine. Especially not using conventional weapons and warfare tactics. Admittedly conventional warfare takes terrible toll on civilians in terms of casualties and destruction of property.

I guess Putin could have used the nuclear solution. Bombed several cities or strategic military sites with tactical nukes and followed up with an invasion force. The risks of a Global Nuclear War would have precluded that strategy but must it must have been tempting if you wanted to quickly achieve the surrender of the Ukraine.


Another strategy Russia could have employed was to use total air superiority to demolish the Ukraine in much the same way the Coalition forces did with Saddam Hussein's Iraq in the Gulf War. Even if they weren't able to hold the Ukraine it would have been a costly lesson for the West in terms of taking Russia's position seriously.

Which brings us to Russia's actual goals in this conflict. I think  they are using a conventional war approach to achieve the same objectives as the total air superiority of the Americans in the Gulf War. Destroy and demoralize the Ukraine and cause a costly humanitarian crisis for Europe. While strengthening control of the Donbas region and providing a lesson for the West to have more respect Putin's Russia. Perhaps a return to sensible dialogue and effective back doors for bottom line communication is required now as it was in the past.

I know the West and the Western media love to decry the failures of Putin and Russia in 2022 but in reality the man is simply showing how dangerous and damaging war is in this day and age. It is I think fair to say that if

Putin is as incompetent as they say. Then it should be easy for them to manipulate him into following their agenda. The fact that this isn't happening and that he has seen fit to invade the Ukraine. Either indicates that they aren't as smart as they think they are or Putin isn't the fool that the West thinks he is. Perhaps instead he is the legend that many of his supporters believe him to be. One way or the other both sides need to be very considered how they handle this situation or it could easily escalate into World War Three.

If it does the consequences for the peoples of the Earth in general will be catastrophic. The outcome of even a limited clash involving nuclear weapons between smaller nuclear capable nations could result in an end of days scenario for the entire World. This was well known back in the '70's and '80's and led to nuclear non-proliferation treaties between the super powers at the time.


Of course there are numerous new weapons that are as dangerous as nuclear weapons available to the super powers of our time. Laser, maser and rail gun technology to name a few of the better known types of new weapons that may turn up in a full scale skirmish today. Environmental damage and the casualties caused in WWIII will probably enormous and in the billions.


So allowing this situation to develop between Russia and the West is a failing of politicians to understand the stakes that are on the table. Particularly, if this conflict gets out of hand. This is a time that is fraught with peril in that the message that ended the Cold War seems to have been forgotten. We need to remember that the next world war could easily be the end of humanity.


The Lord Jesus spoke of a time in the last days where if that time were not shortened then no flesh would survive (Matthew 24:22). Called the Tribulation and probable including World War Three.
The Prophet Ezekiel spoke a prophecy that many say is of the nation of Russia during the coming tribulation time. One where the Lord spoke to Gog and Magog of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal, saying that he would put a hook into his jaw and draw him forth. If these prophecies were applied to Russia and Putin at this time it would seem that he is indeed being drawn forth. The West are not going to give him a choice other than to try to defend his country and his people from the coming World Government.


 May be Ukraine is Putin's last stand as he tries to negotiate with the West to allow Russia to stand outside of the coming New World Order. If we follow the bible on this he will be forced to join with the other nations that stand outside of the West but will be defeated by God when he attacks Israel. It would seem that Russia eventually falls and then the 666 Empire is established.  Then there will be period of three and one half years at the end of which Jesus will return and the Kingdom of God will be established.

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