Wednesday, July 28, 2021

A Christian Perspective on Social Media


Don’t get me wrong on this. Social Media is amazing. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that my Kiwi Christian Rants would attract the interest of dozens of Christian Folks in the Philippines. Lets face it if it wasn’t for the Internet and the likes of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram so much of the communication we take for granted in 2021 simply wouldn’t take place.

I’m going to attempt a fair and unbiased assessment of some of the things that are by products of our largely unfettered access to the Net and also the impact of Smart Phones on the Internet users. As always this article is an opinion piece which represents my personal perspectives so please don’t get to upset if you disagree with what is written here.

Which brings us to my first point. Regardless of who you are and by this I mean male, female, Christian, Atheist, person of colour or not and basically whoever you are. Just because you have an opinion does that mean you have an obligation to share it? What I’m angling at is the bullying that happens with teenagers on social media. Just because you have a smart phone does that give you the prerogative to comment on someone else in a personal way or to abuse them just because you can?

A question that I would put out there is that “Given that misuse of social media can lead people to take their own lives and cause other serious consequences. Should it as deregulated as it is. Shouldn’t we have laws controlling it as we do driving on the roads or being a responsible member of society.” I know the freedom of speech folks are winding up as I write this. Laws against hate speech I hear you say.

I am a Christian and I wouldn’t usually enter into a rights based dialogue simply because it is secular but I know enough Christians who put controls on use of cell phones at meal times to know you understand what I’m getting at. As a teacher I have noticed that students behavior ten years ago was in decline. The children were getting more difficult by the year. I’m talking about teenagers here. But then came the advent of smart phones and we are no longer talking about decline. We are talking something altogether more revolutionary. A device which provides a virtual life to the owner. It was like opening Pandora’s box.

The problem is that teenagers can’t envisage what they are missing out on if they become so distracted by this surrogate life that their smart phone gives them that they give up on an education. They simply don’t have the life experience. Add to this the carnage that Crystal Meth is causing in the communities of these youngsters and you’ve got a generation heading in a completely different direction to any other generation in recent history.

This raises a question. “Who is in the process of stealing our children’s minds?” I’m talking about Fortnite and a raft of other games. I’m suggesting the rap dirges that mostly focus on the F word and sexual depravity or the denigration of women as sexual objects. Add to this Google and Wikipedia and you have unlimited access to information. Some of which is excellent but quite an amount of which is dubious at the very least. It all leads to the idea that whoever controls the Internet or the Smart Phones controls our children.

To the point, that even schools are battling to make inroads against the power that modern digital devices have over their students. I’ve seen a live video of a fight shared at school and had a group of students literally flee from a classroom to check on the well being of a friend that was injured. Surely that is a good thing right? The problem is that the fight only happened so that the perpetrators could get subscribers on their YouTube feed and the students that fled the classroom did so in sheer panic. A dangerous situation.

Can they steal us too? Well this is surely a reasonable question isn’t it. For instance I have a Covid Tracer app on my phone that tracks my every movement. I share my experiences and opinions on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. My phone listens to me and is always suggesting good products that I might want to purchase. So it certainly has a fair degree of passive input into my life. The police can track my phone if they have a mind too. There is certainly plenty of information about me out in the Net for anyone who has the right type of software and expertise to gather should someone need to put together a profile and assess my likely next moves. Too Orwellian? Perhaps, but there is a movement toward less personal freedom for the perceived greater good. The question is who is deciding who benefits from less personal freedom and which freedoms to remove?

Another concern about Social Media and the Net is the Dark Web and the Conspiracy Theorists. The Dark Web is a shadowy but powerful conglomerate of antisocial individuals, corporations, paramilitary and possibly governments using the seamy side of the Internet to implement covert agendas. Big money and exotic software.

Loosely associated with the Dark Web are the Conspiracy Theorists touting everything from Ancient Aliens, UFO’s, Friendly Fire on the Twin Towers, Flat Earth Theology, Greek Mythology combined with the Marvel Universe, Interfaith and polytheism, Socialism and Fascism – Both sides against the middle. Basically, if you have a theory we have the information. Add to this Google and the Social Media heavy weights like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and you have control of what people think and say. There is so much information and misinformation you can literally find data to back up any contention that you can come up with. People are literally drowning in an ocean of thought.

Which brings us to who’s controlling the Net and what is their agenda. My thought is a secret and illusive organisation that is moving the world toward a global government. The apostle Paul mentioned such an organisation called it the Mystery of Iniquity.

II Thessalonians chapter 2 verses 3-7 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. KJV

Don Stanton outlined the structure of this organisation in his book Mystery 666 published by Maranatha Revival Crusade in 1977. They refer to themselves as insiders and have infiltrated all levels of society across the globe. Member organisations include the Illuminati, Club of Rome, Bilderbergers, Nights of Malta, Society of Jesus, the Trilateral Commission to name but a few. Their control of every government on the planet is now beyond dispute which makes them the prime suspect in regards to who is controls the Social Media, Internet and the Smart Phones.

What can we do about this? To start with be aware of the influence of the Internet, Social Media and Smart phones in your life and the lives of your family. There’s a movie called “I Am Number Four” which is a science fantasy about refuges of an interstellar war hiding on the Earth. The movies is interesting but that’s not my reason for mentioning it. The reason I mention it is that one of the co-stars is the daughter of a good old fashioned American Christian couple and it shows the loving relationship this daughter has with her family and the way they handle cell phones at dinner time. They all go into a basket until dinner is finished so that the family can be present and converse with one another. The Star of the show says how precious family is and how he wishes he had that type of family life himself. Great message but again not my main point.

Smart phones, the Internet and Social Media have revolutionised communication in the 21st Century. There are many wonderful advantages to this state of affairs but there are also some real dangers. Unfettered access to pornography for instance. The ability to live a virtual reality life. Access to videos, games and music of extremely dubious quality pouring evil into the hearts of our children. This resulting in the loss of connection with our children and loved ones. My advice is don’t mess around. Intervene in your children’s Internet, Social Media and Smart Phone use. Make rules and implement them fairly and consistently. Things like no phones at dinner time. It’s our time to talk about the day we’ve had. Stay on top of what’s on their devices and how much time the have on them. You might feel like an ogre but believe me you’re doing the right thing and you will reap the rewards. Sane offspring. Finally, apply the same rules to your Internet, Social Media and Smart Phone use. It can take you out too!

About the Next Reformation. The Church sure needs a Reformation in our time. Most denominations have accepted the overtures made to them by Rome. We live in a day when we are seeing a great falling away. Perhaps the falling away that Jesus Christ mentioned in Matthew chapter twenty four verse ten. “And at that time many will fall away, and they will betray one another and hate one...” Evolution and secular society are dominating the gospel in the hearts of our children. Churches are dying as their aging congregants pass away.

Yet we are not without hope. As Jesus said “These things must come to pass.” Matthew chapter twenty four verse six “And you will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end…”KJV There will be a Reformation in this time. It may not come before the Tribulation that is near upon us but during that time the Israel will be carrying the gospel to the World. The Everlasting gospel will go out to every corner of the globe. Revelations chapter fourteen. “And I saw another angel flying in midheaven with an eternal gospel to preach to those who live on the earth, and to every nation, tribe, language, and people…” KJV This will lead to a great Revival as multitudes of people repent.

What should we do now as Christians? Do the basics. Read a paper bible, or a phone if that’s what you have. Spend time in prayer, and find a Church so you can fellowship with other Christians. Believe me you may have to make some compromises and overlook doctrinal differences but if do then you will reap a tremendous blessing. Worship Yahweh and ask the Lord for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon his Church. Remember that Yahweh is in Charge of everything and all things work together for good in Jesus Christ. Be prayerful and careful with the Internet, Social Media and your Smart Phone.

Monday, July 26, 2021

What is the Rapture and why would we need one?

The Rapture is an event awaited by many Christians where the entire Christian Church is taken up to heaven at the end of the Church Age or Age of Grace. This is described in Matthew chapter 24 verses 37 through to 42 “But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. Then two men will be in the field: one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding at the mill: one will be taken and the other left...”
The reason for the Rapture is to remove the Gentile Church of our era and allow the Christian Israelite's, converted at the beginning of the Tribulation, know as the one hundred and forty four thousand sealed of God and led by the Two Witnesses to take the gospel to the World during the Tribulation of the Last Days. So the gospel goes to the nations after the first advent of Christ Jesus and then the Church Age ends with the Rapture, to Heaven, of those living Christians in the Gentile Church at the time. 
Obviously this is a very contentious piece of theology. The straight forward approach is to interpret the scripture to say that we await the visible Second Coming of Christ returning in glory. The dead in Christ will be raised to eternal life first and then the living will be lifted into the clouds to meet that Saviour. That would be the most simple interpretation and the least contentious view and reconcile with First Thessalonians chapter 4 verse 17.
The idea of the Rapture comes in response to some scriptural anomalies in the text. They come as a result of theologians like J.N. Darby and C.I. Scofield focusing on dispensations or covenants between God and man. Secondly looking at the End Times in the light of God’s promises to Abraham and the nation of Israel as described by the prophets and in particular Daniel and his prophecy of the Seventy Weeks of Years. 
What Darby and others came to believe was that event in Matthew 24 where one person would be taken and another left wasn’t the same event as the Second Coming of Christ. The book of Revelation speaks of one hundred and forty four thousand of the Twelve Tribes of Israel taking the gospel to the World in the Tribulation time. Now if the Gentile Church was still available why would Israel be called on to perform this mission? I would just mention here that some say that Revelation is all symbolism but this event is described literally and appears to be the actual sequence of events.
So the question is “Where is the Gentile Christian Church at this time?” One possible explanation is that the Church has endured such persecution that there is no longer a Gentile Church in existence. Another explanation is that the Gentile Church still exists but is compromised by paganism and is now Religious Babylon. 
The former explanation is not really consistent with scripture and the later is quite possible looking at the scripture describing Babylon the Great Harlot in Revelation chapter 17 verse 6 “… I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. And when I saw her, I marveled with great amazement…” So it may be entirely possible that the Gentile Church has succumbed to the infiltration of pagan doctrine and become anti-Christian by the time of the Tribulation. 
However, the reasoning of Darby is that there will be a Rapture for the Gentile Church which will see the Church completely removed from the Earth at the time of the Tribulation. I believe that he came to this conclusion partly because of the verses in Matthew chapter 24 where Jesus speaks about two people who are walking in the field one is taken and the other left. This indicates one is saved and the other is left behind. 
So, if this applied to the Second Coming at the end of the Great Tribulation (Second Half of the Seven Years). Then there could not be two persons walking together in the field because the Christians would all be slain as to believe in Christ Jesus during the Tribulation means a death sentence. 
The only people left on the Earth at the end would be the followers of the Antichrist. However, if this describes the Rapture of the Church prior to the start of the Tribulation then the Christians and Non Christians would be still able to walk in the field together because the Tribulation hasn’t happened yet. Thus it seems to indicate two different events are plausible.
As is so often the case Satan excites controversy amongst believers and there is a lot misinformation added to the debate.. Controversy about the Rapture is no exception. The idea of the Rapture has been held throughout the Church Age but was popularised in the nineteenth century, through to the current era, by J.N. Darby and C.I .Scofield as well as Louis Sperry Chaffer and C.C. Ryrie. 
The Rapture is a central part of Dispensational Theology and over the years different versions of Dispensational Theology have arisen. There is Amillenialism which holds that the millennial kingdom of Christ Jesus is here already or happened during the Church Age. There are versions that shift the timing of the Rapture and the Second Advent of Christ. There are versions which apply the events in the book of Revelation to the Church Age so that much of Revelation has happened already. There are versions which say the Seventieth Week of Daniel occurred at the time of the First Advent of Jesus Christ. There has been a lot of enmity generated between the Dispensational groups and of course the proponents of Covenant Theology. 
However, as is so often the case the idea of a Rapture of the Church rather elegantly fits the descriptions given by Christ Jesus and the apostle Paul. Jesus mentioned that no one knows when the Son of Man will return. Not even Jesus himself only the Father knows the time. Whereas with the Second Coming we know it will most likely occur at the end of the Great Tribulation when only the Antichrist and his followers are left on the Earth. So what is this event that only the Father knows when it will happen? The Rapture.
Christ Jesus also spoke of the seven wise virgins and those unwise virgins who went to get oil and were away when the bridegroom came and so missed their chance. So when is the Savior coming for his bride secretly. As I have already mentioned we have a good idea of when the Second Coming or Second Advent of Christ will occur and that is most likely at the end of the Tribulation as He deals with the Anti-Christ and his followers and establishes His Eternal Kingdom. The Rapture happens to be somewhat of an elegant solution in terms of fitting the more subtle facts of Christ’s return for the Church.
So to recap the Rapture is necessary to fit the bibles description of Christ’s Second Coming which seems to be slightly different from the scriptures that describe the gathering of the Church before the Tribulation. The Gentile Church does not appear in the book of Revelation unless it is entirely subsumed by Babylon the Great Harlot of Revelation chapter seventeen. Israel is commissioned to spread the gospel in the Tribulation Time as described in Revelation chapter seven. The return of Christ at the end of the Tribulation will be seen by all and the saints who perished in the Tribulation will be raised then and gathered to him. 
The scriptures are definite about these facts. However, there are scriptures that speak of a coming of Christ which is not expected. The parable of The Wise Virgins hints toward a mysterious arrival of the Bridegroom. Matthew chapter twenty four speaks of one being taken and one left but that would not fit the facts at the end of the Tribulation as those for Christ were all dead. Those left alive were all anti-Christ or so it would seem. In any case these are humble thoughts of one Christian. I hope they help you to make some sense of the subject as you consider the Rapture of the Saints.

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Making Sense of the World We Live In - July 2021

What can we say about 2021? Well in New Zealand we are in a comparative Eden compared to the rest of the World at the moment. For one thing we have Prime Minister who seems to have a genuine heart for the people and who has acted to preserve us from Covid 19. Much to the chagrin of certain other elements of the elite who are more concerned about diminishing personal wealth than the well being of their fellow citizens.

Or is this an illusion? At the same time social secularism is making great gains across the country. It could be said that are witnessing a shift into a virtual communist bubble and at the same time 180 degree rotation in the morality of the nation. A rotation which is at the same time a reversal of fortune for those who hold fast to Christian values and the worship of Jesus Christ. So, while the Prime Minister is center stage there is certainly furious activity on a variety of fronts behind the curtains.

Is this a new thing? The bible mentions a something called the Mystery of Iniquity. It describes it as a movement of the forces of evil which opposes the people and purposes of the one living God, Jehovah. Writer and Christian commentator, Don Stanton wrote in his book Mystery 666 of the activity of the forces of evil in the modern era. He mapped out the various arms of this organisation and the powerful people involved in bringing it’s plans into reality. The simple answer is no this is not a new thing but has been working behind the scenes for millennia.

What does the Bible say about this time? Well Jesus Christ spoke of the events that would happen in the last days of the Age of Grace in the book of Matthew in chapter 24. While there is much that He said that can be applied generally to the time since His first advent there are certain specific events that chime resoundingly with what we are seeing today.

Does the bible describe Climate Change and the Covid crisis? Not directly but Christ Jesus was quoted in Matthew chapter 24, and Luke chapter 21, as saying that in the End Times there would be earthquakes and famines and a time of such tribulation that if those days were not shortened no flesh would survive. The earthquakes and famines have been happening throughout the Church Age but a time of tribulation that if it wasn’t curtailed would lead to a global extinction level event? A nuclear war could cause that type of event, so could a meteor impact on a large enough scale.

Is man made Climate Change a contender? I would certainly think so. We have eight billion souls on Earth for the first time this side of the Great Flood. That basically means that mans need for resources precludes the survival of every other species on the planet. Our impacts on the environment are immense. In fifty to one hundred years there won’t be a forested area on the planet that is natural. If we repented and sort help from God we would have a reasonable chance of survival but we are looking to ourselves and rejecting God. As our Savior prophesied a time of tribulation of such magnitude that if it were not stopped no flesh would survive is imminent and it includes the events of the book of Daniel and the book of Revelation.

Are we entering that time of Tribulation? Well I think a lot of Pre-Trib Pre-Millennialists like myself would be starting to think we are getting close to the Tribulation. Most would be reconsidering whether the rapture will occur prior to the tribulation because if the tribulation has started and the rapture of the Church hasn’t occurred yet Pre-Trib is wrong. They’d be wondering if it will occur Mid-Tribulation. 
What are you on about I hear you saying? Fine then. I’m a Dispensationalist so I’m looking for events that signal God is about to start a period of judgment known as the Seventieth Week of Daniel. Part of the Prophet Daniel’s prophecy of Seventy Weeks of Years from the return to Jerusalem of the captives after the Babylonian Captivity. We hold that it was sixty nine weeks of years until Christ Jesus death burial and resurrection. Then the clock stopped for the Church Age or the Age of the Gentiles. There is one week of years yet to elapse. The Seventieth Week of Daniel.

A period of seven years also know as the Tribulation? Once the gentile church is removed by miraculous event know as the Rapture. The Tribulation begins and the nation of Israel is front and center again as God’s instrument in this time. That’s right there are described in the book of Revelation one hundred and forty four thousand Israelite's of the Twelve Tribes sealed of God to carry the gospel to the World during this time. They are led by the Two Witnesses also described in the book of Revelation. All of God’s promises to Israel and the establishment of the Kingdom of God happen during this period of seven years.

Is truth stranger than fiction? I’m wrapping things up at this point but I would say that yes truth is stranger than fiction. We live in a time of critical race theory that holds that you are a racist if you were born a white man. You can’t be anything other than a racist and our society needs to be torn down and remade as a Marxist Communist State to get rid of white privilege amongst other things. Think a Satanic attack on Christianity. Amongst this insanity is of course the gender bias issue and a total reversal of morality which aligns with what the bible says about those who call evil good and good evil.

What will this achieve? These folk think that they are on the rise and finally they will get rid of Yahweh and the Christians. Not learning the lessons of the past and rejecting the gospel. The last time that mankind completely rejected God and their every thought was only evil. God brought a global deluge. Mankind has nearly reached the same point again and is about to enter a time of judgment that would be extinction level if the Lord didn’t have mercy. The time of Jacob’s Trouble mentioned in Jeremiah chapter 30 verse 7 KJV.

What can we do about it? Watch and pray. Jesus is coming soon. Seek the Lord’s guidance and pray that he pours out the Holy Spirit of God on the Church across the globe. Stand up for Christians every where and be sensitive to God’s will. Be generous with the blessings that God has bestowed upon you and remember God is love so abide in His love. Remember that Christ is a breath of fresh air and as his servants we need to be as Christ to those in the world around us. I guess what I’m saying here is remember that Christ Jesus said “Come unto me you who are heavy laden for my yoke is light.”

A final word about the time that we live in right now? Normality as we knew it ended in December 2019 with the outbreak of the Covid virus. I don’t see us returning to that normality in the near future. I heard a news commentator say recently that he guessed this is the new order and we will just have to get used to it. I think this will prove to be close to the truth. A New World Order is coming upon us and I believe that time will show it to be a turbulent time of judgment for the peoples of the Earth that will ultimately end in the establishment of The Kingdom of God. Our job as Christians is to hold the faith in Christ Alone.

Stand up for Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior and take every opportunity to share the gospel. Revelation chapter 2 verse 10 “Do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer. Indeed, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and you will have tribulation ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.” NKJV

Standing Fast for Jesus

  We had a thought provoking sermon at Church this morning. It was about the apostle Peter and his denial of ever having known Jesus. You ...