Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Calvinism – Predestination and all that jazz...

 There are certain precepts that we can use to test a theory. In this case Calvinism which is based on Augustine’s thinking about Determinism which also came in no small part from Plato and the Ancient Greek religious philosophies. Determinism holds that God determines everything in the Universe. Augustine was originally a follower of Mani the author of an esoteric philosophy called Manichaenism. A form of gnostic dualism. Gnosticism tends toward the idea of a supreme hidden divinity and a lesser malevolent one often identified as Yahweh. Dualism is a division between two states such as light and dark or good and evil. Augustine later converted to Christianity but brought some of his previous Manichaen thinking into his new faith.

Now Calvinism roots deeply into the scriptures where both Christ Jesus and the apostle Paul spoke about Predestination, being Chosen from the foundation of the Earth and being drawn close to Christ Jesus by the Father. The good thing about Calvinism is that it does have scriptural basis for the claims it is making. These being that everyone is predestined either to salvation or damnation by God and from the foundation of the Earth. This belief is held firm and uncompromising within the the Reformed Church globally.

The What Ifs

  • What if, the bible has been altered slightly to enhance the scriptures relating to predestination with the intention of supporting the doctrines relating to Calvinism? This would have worked well in the Church before the Reformation given that Rome always proposed to be a one stop shop for salvation. So it figures that you’re predestined to salvation through the Church or Eternal Damnation outside of it.

  • What if, we look at the example of Lucifer. He was an archangel created perfect and without defect. Yet he must of had self will. At some point he became corrupted and began to be jealous of Yahweh Elohim. He began to be angry and embittered about the way that God ran the universe. This judgement and hatred of God spread amongst the angels and one third of them rallied in battle against Yahweh, at Lucifer’s side.

    • This is where the doctrine that God is the Perfect Sovereign begins to founder. If God were perfect and orders the Universe in perfection then this situation would never have arisen. Lucifer’s programming would have been such that he had no autonomous control and could never malfunction in the way he did. As it is He failed and Yahweh is at fault.

      • This is because Yahweh allowed a measure of freewill. This shows that Yahweh does not wish his creations to be enslaved. It behoves that he is prepared to take responsibility when things go wrong. When Lucifer and the angels rose up against God it must have been an unimaginable battle on a truly cosmic scale. Some wonder whether the Earth shows the scars of it and if this might explain the fossil record? Our God is a truly wonderful God who grants love and freedom and will fight to make things right even if it seems He is far from achieving it. It does not embarrass God that this situation is imperfect and He will correct it to His high standards of perfection in the end. Romans chapter 8 verse 28.

  • What if we apply God’s handling of the Satanic rebellion and the situation that arose in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve at the Fall. God made man and man was innocent but not perfect because He and She had freewill. They had a relationship with Yahweh Elohim and were in close communion but not locked into that relationship. If they accepted what Satan said to them. Which they did and were tricked into disobeying God. As they were. They were free to choose to eat of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge although they underestimated the consequences of doing so by an order of magnitude. When God told them the impacts of their rebellion and how things were to change one can only sympathise with them and how they had been duped by the Dragon.

  • What if we take the Calvinistic perspective and we say God is Perfect Sovereign and cannot be anything but perfect. He cannot make mistakes and this series of failures are not mistakes. So Satan was predestined to be corrupted and sin and the same with Adam and Eve at the Fall. One can only be amazed that God would be so caught up in His own pride that He refused to accept any blame for the great errors in His creation and that he takes the point of view that He predestined them to fail and fall into sin. Accepting no responsibility and stating that He intended it to happen for His own reasons? Highly illogical and something that sounds surprisingly like the sort of nonsense that Satan would endeavour to spread, far and wide, in his efforts to besmirch the character of God.

    • To many Christians this is simply too unbelievable to accept. As a friend of mine once said “This is not the the conclusion we would come to by simply reading the bible.” He also said that he found it to be an abhorrent attack on the character of God. A clue to why this is the case is that the bible describes God as a loving Father who interacts with His creations. Many times he does this on a personal level. Note his interactions with Abraham, Moses, Joshua, David, Elijah and Daniel and there are many others.

Yahweh’s negative reactions are always enacted by His complete abhorrence of sin. His love overcomes these and he has enacted a more perfect solution in Christ’s work on the cross, bearing our sins and through His resurrection lifting us to the newness of life in the Spirit and eternal life to come. To speculate that He has predestined those who are saved and those who are lost is frankly out of step with the purpose that He has laid out in the New Covenant. He desires that none would be lost as the scripture says in 2 Peter chapter 3 verse 9 “The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance...’ ESV

If we look broadly at Scripture it shows the interaction between God and His creations. It highlights the importance of the decisions that we make as men and it warns of the consequences of bad decision making. Rather than describing the concrete actions of automatons it shows the freedom of choice that our loving God has given us. Does this mean that we are not predestined? No it means that those who can be influenced by the Father to come to the Saviour do so. Those whose hearts are hardened by the world and the activities of Satan reject God. But my belief is that God’s desires a people who will choose to follow him and gives all of mankind the choice.

So, what can we say of Calvinism and it’s stoic insistence upon the absolute Sovereignty of God but applied in such a way that it conflicts with the literal interpretation of much of scripture. In this doctrine man’s view of God will not allow God to be himself. God is perfect and no one can be allowed to say that he has made mistakes or has allowed for error on the part of His creations. Yet scripture describes the events and consequences of those errors and it would appear that God allowed for those errors and consequences and intends to use those events to build a more robust and perfect creation in the end. At which point the old creation will have served its purpose and will be done away with and a New Heavens and Earth will arise.

Bear in mind that when I say this I am not disputing the main points involved here. Is God the Sovereign God? Yes He is. Is God Perfect? Indubitably, He is absolutely perfect. Has he made errors in Creation? No, He has allowed for freewill in His creations and has been prepared to accept the consequences of His actions. As Romans chapter 8 verse 28 says, And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”

Finally, I would ask whether Calvin’s teaching around “The Sovereignty of God” is a false teaching. Is this doctrine another gospel? Calvin followed Augustine’s teachings which included gnostic dualism and Augustine had been a Manichaen. Augustine also believed Plato’s theories of determinism based on a creator God who by nature was inherently arbitrary and whimsical. In the Greek world view where God controls the destiny of every aspect of creation whether object or creature.

This is not God of the bible who brought into being a creation that He said was “Very Good.” A God who created man in His own image and who shows us in the bible that we possess the range of emotions just as He does and we are creators just as He is. A God who is prepared to risk imperfection in His creations to allow Freedom of Choice. A God so loving that He bore our sins on the Cross at Calvary and was raised from the dead on the third day that he might defeat sin and death and pave the way of salvation for all of mankind should they choose to believe on His only begotten Son Jesus Christ.

My answer to this question would be that the God of the bible is not the God of Plato and therefore not the God of Calvin. The determinist God of the Greeks is Zeus or Lucifer and we know him as Satan, that old Dragon. He is a hard and dictatorial ruler who has little love for Yahweh or His creation. This in the end means that Calvinism is in essence a cult based on the Greek Perspective of God. It has the essential aspects of a cult in that it has false teachers and a false teaching. It has John Calvin and Augustine of Hippo as founders and holders of the false doctrines and a central distorted doctrine in their view of the Sovereignty of God and in essence the nature of God. They see God as a whimsical creator saving whom he desires and damning those he hates.

That there are scriptures in the bible that imply some integrity to this teaching does not genuinely convey that the God of the bible is a vengeful and hateful God. He is long suffering, a loving father who judges even those who hate him in a just and even handed way not an arbitrary and whimsical way. His main emphasis is to end sin and heal creation. To save man and to restore him for eternity.

Friday, April 2, 2021


In biblical terms destiny plays a big part in Gods plans. To be honest the battle over destiny has played a great part in Christianity and the lives of Christians over the past centuries of the Age of Grace. Questions have arisen from scriptures like Romans chapter 8 verse 28 which says “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”ESV “While many Christians take great solace from this scripture and consider it a promise of God. Others see it as a part of a concrete determinant in God’s Sovereign Will where Christians are predestined and without choice and the wicked are destined to hell, both groups for time immemorial.

Then there are the destiny words like chosen, predestined, foreseen and foreknown. Merriam Webster defines Chosen as “one who is the object of choice or of divine favour; an elect person.” Predestined is defined as “the doctrine that God in consequence of his foreknowledge of all events infallibly guides those who are destined for salvation. Foreseen is stated to be “to see (something, such as a development) beforehand.” Foreknown is “to have previous knowledge of; know before- hand especially by paranormal means or by revelation.”

These are the power words in the battle between those who see God as a whimsical, vengeful, angry dictator and those who see him as the Loving Father of all Creation. Who when faced with sin and imperfection has used His cosmic ability to every affectation to rescue humanity and all of His work in this Universe from the brink of ruin and loss. They key phrase to the latter group is found in the writings of the apostle John in 1John chapter 4 verse 16 “So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.” ESV

So, the question arises “What is God’s purpose with the Creation and Mankind?” God clearly knows who will be predestined to Salvation through Grace to Eternal Life and those who are destined to reject His Saviour and to meet their eternal destiny in the Second Death. Therefore, are all actually predestined to Salvation in Christ Jesus but many reject the Saviour and so do not receive the benefits Grace and Eternal Life. Or, are we predestined either to Salvation or Damnation.

One would assume that this discussion leads to a debate over the nature of the Living God. As I mentioned before is God an angry and vengeful God or is He truly a God of Love? There are those who believe strongly one way or the other just as there are those who believe some combination of both views. How can we truly ascertain what the attitude of God is to salvation and unbelief?

I believe that there is one scripture in particular that gives us a glimpse into the nature and thinking of God on this matter. Mark chapter 12 verses 28 -31 Then one of the scribes came, and having heard them reasoning together, perceiving that He had answered them well, asked Him, “Which is the first commandment of all?” Jesus answered him, “The first of all the commandments is: ‘Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ This is the first commandment. And the second, like it, is this: ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” NKJV

Would it then be fair to say that those who are destined to Salvation have a capacity of soul, heart and mind to love God with all of their strength? Would it be fair to say that they are capable of loving their neighbour as themselves, such that, they honour their parents, don’t murder and don’t commit adultery, don’t keep slaves, don’t lie or covet other’s possessions. Bearing in mind that it is only possible to keep the God’s Law with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit with the fullness of God in our hearts and minds. Can you see the link that Jesus was making here between loving God and keeping his commandments with the law fulfilled in His redemptive work on the Cross and now under the New Covenant. Matthew chapter 26 verses 26– 28 And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to the disciples and said, “Take, eat; this is My body.” Then He took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you. For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.Isn’t this thinking congruous with the theme of a loving Saviour that is underlined in that other famous scripture John chapter 15 verse 13 “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” KJV

Conversely, are those who reject Christ incapable of loving God with all they have and unable to love their fellow man? Are they because of their state of mind then destined to damnation? Now you might say here. “ Why would God allow men to have hearts which are hardened against him?” Hardened in a way that they can never receive the good news of Salvation in Jesus Christ and are therefore lost to eternal damnation. At which point I would say “God doesn’t do that and that in my opinion He reads their hearts, from eternity, and notes that they will never come to him in humility and repentance seeking forgiveness and eternal life.” In this way they are predestined but not as a direct action of God against them. It just happens to be a fact that because of internal wiring they will never accept God’s grace.

Having said this I do need to qualify my statement here and mention that God does harden men’s hearts on occasion and that their are incidents in scripture when he has caused them to refuse to repent. Proverbs chapter 28 verses 13 – 14 puts it this way “Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy. Blessed is the one who fears the Lord always, but whoever hardens his heart will fall into calamity.” ESV So it maybe even today that some people provoke God’s ire against them through their actions so that He hardens their hearts and causes them not to repent.

Noted American preacher of the nineteenth century, Charles Finney spoke of a man who boasted that he would not repent until he was about to die. When that fateful day came. Try as he might to seek God and to repent of his sins. He could find no peace, security or hope of salvation. It brings to mind the scripture Isaiah chapter 55 verse 6 “Seek the Lord while he may be found; call upon him while he is near...” ESV The question in this case then is, was this person destined to damnation because God hardened his heart or, was he simply incapable of salvation because of his rebellious heart? The result being in either case that God knew his destiny from the foundation of the world. The question then being did the man choose to rebell or did God predestine his rebellion?

The point I’m trying to make here is that those men and women that receive eternal life have as a consequence chosen to live with God for eternity. Satan has eternal life and it seems he could not live an eternity at peace with God and in the end developed a rebellious heart and literally went in to battle against God with a third of the angels under his leadership. God will not allow that situation to arise again and so those men, and women, who receive eternal life need to be able to live an eternity at peace and in love with God. Hidden in God with Christ for now and then presented as the Bride of Christ at the Wedding Party of the Lamb and from then for eternity as the beloved possession of God.

So in conclusion, are we destined to salvation or damnation? My answer would be yes we are destined to salvation or damnation. However, I don’t believe God would determine people to damnation but rather that he might make a decision not to choose someone to salvation who couldn’t survive eternity in the presence of the most high almighty King of Kings. As it says in scripture Isaiah chapter 55 verses 6-9 “Seek the Lord while he may be found; call upon him while he is near; let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, that he may have compassion on him, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Standing Fast for Jesus

  We had a thought provoking sermon at Church this morning. It was about the apostle Peter and his denial of ever having known Jesus. You ...